Chapter One: The Proposal

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I look own and there's a big bag of books and stationary sitting at my feet that actually doesn't belong to me

"What the-"

"NO. don't you dare! I am not in the mood for giving lectures on the difference between words that can come out of your mouth right now and what should because that's what you'll get if you finish that sentence in anything but hell or less"

Woah. Meet Casey, My first real best friend and a real piece of work. one minute she's using any curse word in the English language and the next she's lecturing anyone and everyone about the Vulgarity of swearing and how we have so many options in our educated minds blah blah blah. it can be funny sometimes but other you find yourselves with a detention for being late to class and have to explain to the teacher about your best friends view on the latest social issue on the news because she goes on about those too. she'd probably smash debating if only it wasn't considered "Social Suicide" in her books. whatever the hell that means.

"Um. Hell?" I question

"Yes. Hell" She confirms

"what is your stuff doing by my feet?" I ask arching an eyebrow in the direction of the bright pink backpack I'm convinced she's smuggling gold bars in.

"I'm done" she replies looking at me blankly

"I'm sorry?"

" I. Am. Done. With school. Forever. I'm running away" she deadpans

"so you did forget about the science prac today. That's funny because on Friday you said you were going to ace this and that car your mom promised you would be, and I quote 'yours in no time'. Change of heart?" I smirk at her

"Shut up" is all she says before picking up her bright pink, 4-ton bag and stalking off to her locker.

As the bell rings I fish getting my books out and check my reflection in the mirror. I'm not ugly, I know better than to patronize myself like that. I'm certainly not hot but I can look good if I want to and it's school so I don't. oh well.

The second bell rings and I swear under my breath. I'm going to be late. Just as I slam my locker door shut and pick up my books I hear another thud. This time, it's a lot heavier and it's landed sideways on the locker next to me. Fully expecting to see Casey's backpack on the floor as if she hurled it into the locker out of frustration I look up with a small smirk on my face ready for another barrage of 'Im Done's' You can understand why I nearly choked on that smile when I see the most beautiful face staring at me with a smirk on his own face that only grew when I let some ghastly noise of surprise and shock escape my lips.

"Why hello there" He smiles

"What the hell are you doing here?" I half yell, expressing the dumbfounded feeling that has gripped my whole body

"And it's nice to meet you too. Now, I need a favor" He winks.

Connor Millar Winked at me


sorry It's so short guys it just seemed like a good ending place hahaha

Please like and vote and comment and all that stuff i have good feeling about this one and i'd like to share it with as many people as possible. I don't really have a coupling schedule at the moment i want to wait for the story to get into a groove before i establish anything like that but it will be pretty recent until then. Have a good one :)

EDIT: I'm going back editing everything so the actual story isn't changing just spelling and Grammar! I don't know if these edits will come up as an update to the story but sorry if it's confusing, I'm just cleaning everything up :)


The Golden Fake CoupleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora