Chapter Fourteen: Of rumours and roastings...

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Connor and I both walked into Mrs. Smith's office that morning, hand in hand, Gatsby papers in the other hand, and placed them on her desk with a smile. To say she looked surprised at Connor was an understatement. Probably because he's a crap student.

The day went by pretty slow, it was average.

Average until I walked into lunch, however.

There was a crowd around our usual lunch table with Casey looking flustered as her eyes darted between all the entrances. When she finally saw me, her eyes widened and I knew something was up. She gestured with her head and mind-spoke to me to leave again and in an aura of confusion I turned around to leave.

Not fast enough apparently.

"Jade! Where are you going?" Cindy yells at me from out table, where she was apparently waiting for me.

"I need to pee!" I yelled back over my shoulder and sped up my pace. I heard snickers from the cafeteria from my lame excuse but Cindy hated me, any reason she would want to talk to me would be a bad reason.

She caught up to me and there was no way I was making a scene about sprinting away, so I guess I'd have to hear her out.

"What do you want Cindy? Recovered from Friday okay?" I crossed my arms and stood up straighter, she wasn't about to walk all over me.

"Actually about Friday. I just wanted to ask you! How was it? With Connor?" She says with a smirk.

" you've lost me" I reply with an edge of confusion. I felt like this wasn't going to end very well.

"You know. How did it feel to ride what I couldn't?" She smirks, but a flash of anger or jealousy flashes across her face.

If I had water, or anything really, in my mouth at that point I would have spat it out straight onto her face.

"What the hell are you on about?" I was angry now. I hadn't done anything with Connor and this idiot was about to ruin every sense of comfort we had in this charade.

She pulls out her phone and shows me two photos. One of me lying asleep in my bed on my stomach, the Donna up to my armpits and hair covering most of my back, including my pajama straps. I look like I'm naked.

I look closer and see that it's a screenshot off Connor's story. The caption is "sleeping beauty "

Then she shows me another screenshot, this one also off his story and it's the goofy photo of us working on our English the next day.

"What's your point, Cindy?" I look at her expectantly. Although I already know what she's getting at.

"Let's see Jade, you sleep with him, and then you flaunt it all over snapchat then have some couple-study session or something. Do you think I'm that naive?" She cocks an eyebrow at me and I so badly want to smack her so hard that that eyebrow it pushed back into her skin and into her brain.

"Not that it's any of your business, but I didn't sleep with him. We've been dating for a week and I'm not that type of girl" I glare at her now, so intensely I really really wish she would spontaneously combust

"yeah, right skank. We all see you for what you are. You hide behind this teachers-pet mask but you're really just the same as the rest of us" she sneers with a gross smile on her face

I am well aware of everyone looking at us now, they crept up from the cafeteria slowly throughout our confrontation and despite my sharp looks and glares, they all shamelessly watch on.

Then I see Connor pushing his way through the crowd.

"Look Cindy. I completely understand that you're jealous. Why wouldn't you be? I'm dating the guy you're obsessed with! But that does not, in any circumstance, mean that it's okay to prance around school with two pathetic screenshots and a screwed up conspiracy theory about someone else's love life like you're the god damn queen. No one cares Cindy. And neither should you! It's not your business what happens with me and Connor and  insinuating that I slept with him after a week, using only a picture of my sleeping, with wild hair and, us writing our English papers is a sure stupid method of proof. I'm hungry Cindy and I'm going to lunch. Have a nice day"

I walk off, swiftly linking my arm through Connor's, who looked a bit gobsmacked, and we leave. Walking back to towards the cafeteria.

"What?...." He stutters

"How?..." He stutters, again.

"Connor I don't like bullies and I don't like gossip. I've never had a problem with putting people in place I've just never had much reason too" I look at him now. He still looks shocked, but almost proud.

We walk back into the cafeteria and sit down at Casey's table as the rest of the girls proceed to retell the events. One of them apparently filmed my speech was I wasn't happy about at first but they promised they'd delete it after showing Casey, which I watched them do, thankfully.

"Damn girl. That how I know you're my best friend" she playfully punches me on the arm and pulls me in for a hug. She was proud of me for standing up for myself. Finally.

"Uh oh," Connor mutters as he snakes his arm around my waist and pulls me a bit closer.

Cindy was coming down the hallway and furious she locked eyes on me and I couldn't believe it, but she was about to start a rematch.

"does this girl not now when to quit-" I'm cut off as Conner's lips cover mine.

He kisses me desperately and I have to slow it down before we get in trouble. It turns into a longer, softer kiss and I can feel the tension in the room cease its climb as the girls at our table giggle softly and I can feel Casey rolling her eyes. I slowly lessen the speed of the kiss and eventually break away and lean my forehead against Connors, laughing softly.

I can feel her standing there, but I wait a few more seconds before turning my head to look at her.

I simply stare. I don't say a word, as she opens and closes her mouth like a fish - as if she wants to say something but doesn't quite know what.

Then she stops, stares at the both of us and her shoulders slump, defeated, and walks away.

"I'm proud of you," he says

I smile. "I told you. I don't like bullies"


Alright fam sorry for the prolonged update!
I know how annoying it is for everyone and I'm trying really hard! Imve started proofreading and correcting earlier chapter so apologies if it's mucking up your notifications I just want everything to be the best it can be!

I still have proofread this one but it'll be organised soon I promise. I'm a lazy human.

Anyway goodnight everyone and hopefully I'll get my act together and see you in the next chapter! Feel free to leave comments with tips or feedback I love seeing them!


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18, 2017 ⏰

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