Chapter Two: What!?

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"WHAT!?" I scream at him through the hallways drawing attention from nearby classes, all of which were the seniors so they couldn't really care less.

Which reminds me I was supposed to be in class five minutes ago


Connor, who didn't look the least bit disturbed by my screaming, repeats his 'favor'

"I," he says motioning to himself

"Need you," he says slowly motioning to me

"To be my girlfriend," He says smirking

that god damn smirk. I seriously just want to smack it off that beautifully chiseled face.

I laugh, calling his bluff and wait for the rest of the Populars to step out of the shadows and start laughing but nothing happens. Instead, I pick up my stuff and walk to class.

By now Connors' smug expression has fallen as he realized he had just been rejected, something I bet didn't happen to him much.

"Where are you going? We were having a conversation?" he says as he follows me, brow furrowed.

"Oh I'm off to Biology actually, it's all the way over in C block and I'm late. Thanks for that" I deadpan. I seriously can't afford to miss any notes and we have our prac today. I groan remembering how I am going to be grilled for this and stuck with a crappy group when I'm going to end up doing all the work.

"Biology? Seriously?" He stares at me, confused. A stare which I match equally.

"Yes I like the dissections and I'm good at it. Good-Bye" I say as I speed up. I only stop when I feel a hand grab my arm from behind. No surprise as to its owner is, and I look from him to his hand, a message for him to remove it soon or he won't be the owner of that arm for much longer. He gets the message and takes it off, which was good. I really didn't want to clean that up.

"No I mean you're worried about that. Biology, when the hottest guy in school literally just asked you out" He says looking genuinely confused

I almost choke on my own spit and glare at him. Not only is this son of gun making me late but he is the vainest and arrogant human being I think I've ever come across. Why would he ask me out when we don't even know each other from a bar of soap? What the hell is going on?

"So that's a yes then?" he smirks at me when I haven't replied, just looked at him in utter astonishment

"Are you kidding me? You are the school player. Your 16 and your virginity went missing so long ago I don't think you even remember having it, you are forever hooking up with girls and frankly, I don't like you. So no. my answer is no. leave me alone now please" and with that I slip into my biology class, him unable to follow me. After standing at the door for a few minutes motioning for me to come back and me pretending to not see him he finally leaves, I begin to do the whole group assignment alone and suck up to my teacher until she decides to waver the detentions she's been threatening me with for being 15 minutes late to an assessment piece.


Our group, or rather me, just finishes the prac in time for the bell and hand it all in on time. I was so relieved because I literally did not want to spend another second in that room than I had to. I rushed out of the door and walked to my locker where low and behold the biggest jackass of creation was standing, leaning against my locker texting, looking flawless. I check my schedule and the materials I have, deciding I don't really need anything from my locker, rather opting to sacrifice my arms by carrying this textbook around. Somehow that seems better than having another episode with Connor. As I look up one last time, a major mistake on my part, he looks up at exactly the same time and upon seeing me, he pushes up off my locker and comes towards me smirking the whole way. I turn on my heel and high-tail it out of there, seeking the refuge of Casey in the cafeteria.

The Golden Fake Coupleजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें