Chapter Five: Took some convincing

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It's Thursday afternoon and I'm having the same sensation as when you try on a really great outfit and make some sort of pro's and cons list, before deciding to not to buy it, then getting home an hour later and wishing that you did. Except right now it's the exact opposite. I had made that pro's and cons list with Connor and somehow I had thought the pros outweighed the cons and accepted the offer. Now I was running through all of the possibilities for events that would happen in the coming twenty-four hours and beyond. And they weren't good. All of them involved the attention of the entire student body, that expectation that because I was Connor Millar's girl (well, as far as they knew) I had to live up to the standards he set with the hundreds of other girls he's been with. I was so lost in my thoughts that I almost let my phone ring out before I snapped out of this trance, just tapping the answer button in time. It took one sentence to make me wish I hadn't.

"Hey baby" came the slightly raspy voice on the other end. I could practically hear the smirk in his voice.

I groaned in the realisation that my whole problem was on the other end of the line and had to resist tossing my phone against the wall. I just had to wait until I could throw him against the wall.

"What do you want" in one hell of an emotionless voice which actually surprised me. I didn't think It was possible to hate someone so much But apparently, I've set the record.

"Well, I'm great actually. I wanted to ask you something. Is that okay? He replied in a chipper voice that made me think he was around his friends or mother.

"Of course" I rolled my eyes, almost laughing to myself. Of course, he wanted something. that was the only reason that you would hear from Connor.

"Great!" Conner replied, taking my comment as a reply. He was going to ask me anyway, so I wasn't bothered to correct him.

"Well, I was thinking. Since it's a Friday tomorrow you won't have any homework to do and you'll be able to come to the party I'm having" - Came his cheery reply, oblivious to the thoughts I've been wrestling with for the entire phone call. His words, however, stopped everything dead. A party? Is he crazy? I'm the school goody-too-shoes. Everyone would be scared that I was secretly filming them drinking and smoking and hand it into the police with a credits list of everyone in it!

Not that that's a bad idea, but seriously I don't think so. this is not okay I have nothing to wear and Casey will kill me if I ask her to do my makeup because she'll ask why and then that's when she'll kill me and-

At this point, I realized that I had said that all out loud because I was interrupted by a barrage of laughter from the other side of the line and I was seriously contemplating ending this call and looking up "how to make a passport" on wiki-how. Mexico was calling me.

"You worry way, way, way too much," Connor said in between laughs. I, on the other hand, was controlling my breathing with a scowl on my face that would stop his heart.

"I'll pick you up from school tomorrow and we'll go shopping. We can figure the rest out after that. Bring whatever else you need but I need you there"

I was completely shocked by the amount of time it took Connor to go from joking to serious and astounded that he and actually sounded caring. I gave a Nervous laugh into the phone "I quit my job at the end of summer to focus on school, I'll have to make-do with the stuff I have. Thanks anyway, though. I kind have this extra credit paper due though so I'm gonna go..." I dragged off trying to escape the awkward void that had suddenly dropped on this conversation.

"Don't be ridiculous I'll shout you. Mum gave me her card as soon as I told her that we were dating. 'So we could treat ourselves' she said" He had the smirk on his face again, I could practically hear it through the phone, and I knew he was implying treating ourselves to a hotel room but I'm positive his mother meant dinner and a movie.

"You can't be serious. You mom would go nuts if you took me on a shopping spree especially since we started this whole dating thing yesterday, she is going to go ballistic if you spend 50 bucks on clothes for the new girl" I rattled on.

"$50? Where do you shop? K-mart? Where we're going, you'll be lucky to get one shirt for $50. Besides, if we want to pull this off you need to look the part. No offense. Consider it a bonus for the job. Like a payment" Connor reasoned with me. I must admit it was sounding like a pretty good deal to me. I've seen the labels and clothes the girls in his circle wear and while they're stunning I could never ask my parents for that kind of thing nor could I afford it myself. To them, I'm one of those teens that's just not interested in fashion. In reality, I guess I can't afford to be that interested, It all gets so expensive.

"Tomorrow. 3:30. Outside the front of the school, by that oak tree. My cars the only Mercedes in school so you'll see me coming" He said, snapping me out of my thoughts. The cocky little-

"Jade?" He asked

"Yeah yeah. Oak tree - 3:30. Big, arrogant car. Got it" and with that, I hung up.

I hung up on Connor Millar. 


EDIT: I'm going back editing everything so the actual story isn't changing just spelling and Grammar! I don't know if these edits will come up as an update to the story but sorry if it's confusing, I'm just cleaning everything up :)

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