2 - Caspar

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I wake up at 6:30 am and get ready to go to the pier. I wear a black long sleeved sweater and blue skinny jeans. I wear long gray socks and brown boots. I wear a scarf and pull a black beanie over my head.

I grab my handbag and go downstairs.

My mum was downstairs having a cup of coffee.

"Hey where are you going?" Mum asks.

"Just to the pier." I say.

"Ok. Be back by 8:30. Caspar is coming over and we are filming a collab and could use your help." She says.

"Ok." I say.

I go out and go to the pier. I see Olivia waiting for me there.

"Hey!" I say.

"Hey. So, did you tell the boys?" She asks about the party.

"Nope not yet. I was planning on telling them today." I say.

We start walking.

"I can't believe we got invited!" She squeals.

I've been hiding something from my friends, I've gone to his parties for a while now but he never invited my friends, except Louis. I probably got invited at that time because of my parents and its probably the same reason now but he invited my friends as well. I just thought it will break their hearts if I told them.

"I know right I can't wait!" I say.

I take a deep breath of the cold, yet, fresh air.

"What are you doing for new year?" Olivia asks.

"I don't know yet." I say putting my hands in my pockets.

"I'll ask my mum if we are doing anything. If not we can have a sleepover at mine!" Olivia says.

"Okay." I say.

"Although I'm planning to stay at home and watch TV." I continue.

"El, come on! It'll be fun!" Olivia says.
"Yeah yeah." I say.

We continue walking and talking for, who knows how long. I finally look at my watch and see that its 8:20 am.

"Look. I got to go home Caspar is coming over!" I say.

"Shouldn't you be calling him uncle or something? Your parents consider him as a brother." She says.

"Nah, Joe and Caspar hate to be called uncle. I call them that sometimes to annoy them." I say shrugging.

"Okay?" She says.

"Bye! I'll call you." I say.

"Bye!" She says.

I go home as fast as possible. I reach my front door at 8:31 but I'm sure my mum and dad won't mind.

I open the door and see that Caspar has already come and was talking to my parents and Joe.

"Hey Eleanor! Long time no see!" Caspar practically yells.

"You saw me two weeks ago when you came over, and call me El!" I say.

"Oh yeah! I did. Didn't I?" He says scratching his head.

I roll my eyes and head towards the stairs.

"El! Come here!" My dad yells before I start to climb the stairs.

I take a deep breath and walk towards the living room.

"What?" I ask trying to hide the fact that I am annoyed.

"Sit down! That's no way to treat a guest!" My mum orders.

I sit down because I don't want to see what my parents would do if I don't listen, because no one wants to see what an angry Sugg and an angry Deyes would do when they get mad!

I try to survive my severe case of boredom listening to the 'elderly' talk. At last they decide to make a video and guess who's stuck helping them? Me!

I'm not complaining, I love watching their videos on YouTube, but its kinda boring without the background music and the edits. Once they finish filming videos, I head towards the stairs.

"El!" Joe calls.

"Now what?" I say turning around.

"Someone's in a mood!" Joe says.

"Sorry, that mood is formed out of-"

"Boredom. I get you!" Joe interrupts.

"That obvious huh?" I ask.

"Kinda." Joe says.

"I knew because I've been through loads of boring stuff." Joe says.

"Good talk. Uncle!" I say smirking.

"Ughhh!!!" Joe says sounding super frustrated.

I laugh and go upstairs to my room. I take my phone out and call Louis, hoping he's awake. He answers in the third ring.

"Hey El." Louis says.

"Hey. Daniel invited me, you, Alex and Olivia to his party on the third. You coming?" I ask.

"Yeah. Have you told Olivia and Alex that you've been going to his parties without them?" Louis asks.

He knows this because he got invited last year and saw me there.

"Nope. And I plan to keeping it that way!" I warn.

"El! You know I'm not the blabber mouth type!" He says.

"Yeah, but I'm making sure." I say.

"Ok, I'll see you on the third then!" Louis says.

"Bye!" I say as I hang up.

I call Alex and he had the same reaction as Olivia.

Olivia Brooks is a girly girl who also happens to be very smart. She's not that popular but has really great style. She loves to read romance and fiction books in general.

Louis Morrison is a jock. He is a straight C student except in math and chemistry which he always gets A's on. He is captain of the boys soccer team. He is in the same popularity level as I am, which is 67% popular.

Alex Powell is the smart one who loves to win. He doesn't take no for an answer. He's basically the Spencer Hastings (from PLL) of our group. Except he doesn't have a girlfriend. He is 53% popular. Which is the same level as Olivia.

And me, I am Eleanor Deyes, daughter of the famous youtubers.

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