24- O2l song

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I finally finish packing and I call Olivia. "Hey." She says, a touch of disappointment in her tone.

"What did your mum say?" I ask, curious.

"No." She says, grimly.

"Oh. Well, its just two weeks right?" I ask, trying to cheer her up. She gets bummed really fast.

"I guess." She says.

"We got to hang out today anyways. And tomorrow as well." I say.

"But I can't even walk with you after school. You have the stupid auditorium to decorate." She says.

"Think positive! Two weeks is hardly anything and besides, you have Louis and Alex as well." I say.

"But they hate shopping." She whines.

"Olivia I am Eleanor. I hate shopping as well!" I say.

"Yeah, but I can't force them to come." She says.

"Oh Olivia. Its just two weeks. Its hardly a month." I say.

"Fine." She sighs.

"Good girl. Now I got to go and have dinner. Bye." I say.

"Bye." She says and I hang up.

I put my phone to charge and go downstairs for dinner.

I see that my mum made pizza and it was waiting on the table.

"Come on El. Dinner." Mum says.

I go to the table and sit down next to Callum. My mum gives me a piece and I start to eat.

"Are you finished packing?" Dad asks.

"Yup." I say.

"Can I bring my Xbox with me?" Callum asks.

"Callum, its just two weeks." Mum says.

"It's not like we are going to stay there for a year." Dad says.

"Fine." Callum says.

They continue talking about Playlist Live and I finish eating.

I stand up. "I'm done." I say.

"Okay. Put your plate in the dishwasher before you go upstairs." Mum says.

"K." I say.

I go upstairs and put on my pajamas. I don't check my phone this time and I just go to sleep.

-A day later-

Its Friday and I didn't go to school because we are going to be leaving during school hours. My mum told the school I was sick and we are just doing our final packing.

I take my Vans backpack and put my phone, laptop, tablet and their chargers into it.

I take some books as well mostly the YouTubers books like The Amazing Book is not on Fire and Username: Evie. These are pretty old but I really liked them.

I close my backpack and leave my room.

I shut the door and go downstairs.

I see that the whole gang already came. Joe, Caspar, Louise, Jim, Tanya, Marcus and Niomi.

Callum was sitting silently on the couch playing a game on Caspar's phone. Joe was watching Caspar trying to do the dance from the O2L song. Tanya, Niomi and Mum were talking to each other and Dad, Jim and Marcus were taking the bags and putting it into the car.

I walk towards the couch and sit next to Joe. "Why is he doing whatever he is doing?" I ask, raising my eyebrow and looking at Caspar.

"He just found out about the O2l song and he is trying to do the dance." He says.

"Didn't that song come out like, 16 years ago? Its older than me." I say.

"It did. He just found out about it now." He replies.

"Okay. Joe, I think I'm ready. Play the song." Caspar says, standing up.

He sighs and plays the song on his phone.

He starts dancing and I cover my eyes. Joe's face was like that emoji that has its eyes closed and looks scared. He tries to do a back flip in the air like JC's and ends up falling in his back.

"I told you not to do the back flip!" Joe says, standing up and walking towards him.

"You know, now I wished I vlogged this..." Joe says.

"That would get a million likes!" I say.

"I know right!" He says, hi fiving me

"Um, I'm still on the floor in complete pain here!" Caspar yells.

"Oh, yeah." Joe says, helping him up.

I watch the dance and its pretty easy.

"Let me try." I say.

"Okay!" Joe says shrugging.

"I'll try it as well. Watching Caspar do it a million times helped me learn it." Joe says.

I keep my backpack on the couch and stand on the carpet next to Joe.

"Caspar play the song. And take a video of us as well." Joe says, giving him his vlogging camera.

"No! Don't take a video. I'm like the worst dancer in the world!" I say.

"Come on! You will be better than Caspar." Joe says.

"Fine. If I do look bad, you are not posting this damn thing on YouTube. Okay?" I warn.

"Fine." He says.

Caspar turns the camera on and plays the song.

I start to do the dance. I remember it quite well.

"Tonight we're going to give them hell, everybody's screaming O2L..." Caspar sings.

"Shut up Caspar." Joe says, dancing.

"Ooooohhhh, ooooohhhh, ooooohhh... Everybody go bananas!" Caspar continues singing horribly, making me stop and cover my ears.

Joe does the same thing. Caspar continues to sing. "Caspar shut up!" Marcus yells from the other room.

"Oh." He says stopping.

"Can you guys stop singing and dancing and help with the bags?" Dad asks.

"Anything but listen to Caspar sing!" I say.

I take my backpack and put it on my back. "I agree." Joe says.

"I'm sitting right here." Caspar says.

"We know. Take a hint." Joe says.

I laugh and follow my dad with Joe right behind me.

I go into the room and there was luggage everywhere.

I take a bag and go outside and give it to Jim, who then put it in the trunk of the car.

This goes on for a while, carrying and giving it to Jim.

For some reason I can't wait to go to America. It will be an interesting two weeks....

Eleanor Deyes: Zalfie's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now