27- Austin Evans

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I was in the middle of watching the movie when I hear a knock on the door. I get off of my bed and open the door. It was Joe and Caspar. I let them in and sit back on my bed.

"Nice room." Joe says.

"Lucky! You have those window seat thingies!" Caspar says, sitting there.

"Don't mess the place up! I am going to be living here for the next two weeks!" I warn.

"You do know there is house keeping here. Right?" Joe says.

"Oh." I say.

Caspar looks at the TV and I think he has recognized himself.

"Who is that handsome fellow? Doesn't he look familiar El?" Caspar says, standing near the TV.

"Yeah he does."

Caspar smiles proudly.

"Joe, isn't that you?" I say, bursting his bubble.

"Yeah but that other dude does look like Caspar." Joe says.

"Thank you!" Caspar says.

I get closer to Joe and whisper into his ear. "He still didn't notice?" I ask.

"Not a clue." Joe whispers back.

"You know what Caspar?" I say.


"That guy does look like you. Minus the moustache and unibrow." I say.

"What? I don't have a moustache a-" He stops in the middle of his sentence, noticing us smiling.

"You didn't!" He says, eyes wide as saucers.

"What did we do to upset you like this?" I ask, looking at Joe and then at Caspar, innocently.

He runs straight to my bathroom, to do what I think, is look at himself in the mirror.

Joe and I start laughing so hard that we start to roll on the floor laughing. Literally.

"Did you see his face?" Joe asks, still laughing.

"Yeah." I manage to say out of all the laughter.

Caspar comes out of the washroom, his face wet and still a few marks visible. "That was so not funny!" He says.

"That's why everyone was staring at you!" I say, still laughing.

Joe and I pull ourselves together and stop laughing. "Oh yeah. By the way, we are going to practice for the show now, and we are meeting down in the lobby in like, fifteen minutes. Zoe- I mean, your mum, asked us to tell you." Joe says.

"I need to change my shirt after spilling the water n the washroom thanks to you guys." He says, looking down at his damp shirt.

"In that case, see you in the lobby." Joe says.

"Bye." I say, shutting the door after they leave.

I keep my blue skinny jeans on and change my top. I wear a crop top and put on pink high tops. I put on a little makeup and wear a bracelet. I tie my wavy, brown hair into a high ponytail. I take a jacket in case it gets a little chilly and put my phone in my back pocket. I put my room card into my front pocket.

I open the door and leave. I take the elevator to the lobby and see that everyone was already there and waiting for me.

Two black Hummers were waiting outside for us. Jim takes the drivers seat of one of them and Marcus takes the other. I get into the car with Tanya, Caspar, Joe, Louise and Jim in it.

Everyone gets in and we head off to the arena where Playlist was going to be held.

We get there in about 30 minutes and we go right in. We get directed to the stage and it was huge. And when I say huge I mean HUGE!

It looked like a kind of stage meant for rock concerts and stuff.

"Wow!" Tanya says, taking the words (or word) right out of my mouth.

After they all finish taking it all in, they start to plan. With me overhearing some of it, I feel like this show would be great! Even the YouTube boyband was going to perform. And they haven't sung in a long, long time!

"El? Could you go get Tyler? I think he's backstage." Mum asks.

"Sure." I say, shrugging.

I stand up and walk backstage. It was even huger than the front. I look around more than I look forward.

My eye catches a really good looking and colorful poster making me look at that and only that.

While looking at it, I hit a wall, or at least feels like it, and I fall hard on the floor.

I look up and see that it was just a boy. A really cute boy.

"I am so sorry! I should watch where I'm going." He apologizes.

He holds his hand up and I grab a hold of it. He helps me up and I stand on my two feet. "No, its fine. Its my fault." I blame myself.

"I'm Austin by the way. Austin Evans." He says, shaking my hand.

Evans. I have heard that before. But where?

"I'm Eleanor. Eleanor Deyes." I introduce myself.

"Eleanor Deyes. Where have I heard that before?" He starts to think.

Looks like he doesn't know who I am. Finally! One person who knows me as my own person! This is great. And I would like to keep it great.

"Really? That's really weird." I say.

"And by that accent, I'm guessing your British?" He asks.


Wait, isn't that what Noah said to Penny in Girl Online when they first met? So does that mean..? Nah!

"I guess so. I got to get going. Can I have your phone number? Maybe we can hang out later?" He asks.

"Um, yeah! Sure." I say.

We exchange phone numbers.

"I guess ill see you around!" he says, smiling.

" I guess so." I say.

"Cool." He says.

We go separate ways and I feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

Could I be in....?

Eleanor Deyes: Zalfie's daughterWhere stories live. Discover now