Just Best Friends Right? (PHAN) Part 2

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(This is old and shit lol)
Warning- Major Fluff, cuteness, gayness, and even some sadness :c

Phil's P.O.V.

I was awoken by the bright light from the sun, which was glistening through the cracks of the blinds. I sighed, realizing I had fell asleep with my contacts in. I rubbed at my eyes, still cuddled up deep within my blankets. I didn't want to stand, or move. I just wanted to stay here all day motionless, and for once get a break from life. But things like that never happen, and I'm only being an idiot for wishing so.

I hope Dan is still here.

I hope I didn't make him that upset, that he wants me to leave.

I know I made a mistake last night, I kissed my straight best friend. Who does that?! I can't imagine how he feels right now...

The moment seemed so perfect, the way his lips fit with mine, the incredibly beautiful face he makes when he's trying to think, and the way he was biting his lip...

Everything was perfect, besides the fact that I'm bisexual, and he's straight. I wish I could fit to his standards, but he doesn't understand how much I really do care for him, and even love him.

I shook my head in stress, as I slowly untangled myself from the comfortable warmth of my bed. Once my feet hit the ground, my eyes suddenly became dizzy. When I first stood up, I was slightly wobbly, but I quickly regained my proper eye sight. This happens to me all the time, and it's common thing with people who have eye problems, or get up to fast.

The first place I headed was the bathroom, to get rid of these agonizing contacts. I might wear my glasses today, I couldn't stand contacts sometimes.

As I took out my contacts, I than realized I hadn't brought my glasses in with me.

"Damn it," I mumbled, trying to feel around for my glasses. But being the clumsy person I am, I managed to trip over something incredibly soft, which I'm guessing is an towel. As soon as my head made contact with the hard tiles of the ground, I groaned out.

I than begun crawling towards my bed, using the support of the bed-side table to help me stand to my feet, and regain my balance. I than felt around for my glasses on the bedside table, quickly finding them and sliding them on. I had still managed to knock over a couple of items, but ignored them and begun walking out of bedroom.

My tummy rumbled loudly, quickly begging me to eat the nutrition that my body highly craved. I grunted in response to my stomach, as if it was a separate person. As I started walking down the hallway, my legs forced me towards Dan's room.

I sighed heavily, before cracking the door open slightly. I peeked my head in, and noticed a half awake Dan raveled within his black and grey comforter faraway in the corner. His eyes were swollen, and glossy, as dried tears decorated his beautiful cheek bones. His breathing was heavy as he lightly slept on his shoulder. I bit my lip, knowing I was the cause of his tears.

I peeked the door open just a little bit more, and spoke in a whisper as my eyes drew patterns in the ground. "Are you awake?"

With no response, I begun to slowly turn around and start walking away in the other direction when a soft whimper interrupted me, followed with Dan's soft voice.

"Phil...?" He croaked out, his voice raspy from having just woken up.

I turned around, and stepped into his bedroom. "Yes?"

"I'm sorry for yelling so much at you."

I sighed, fiddling with my the thumbs. "I deserved it."

My Mouth is Yours(Phan Clean/Smut)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant