Winning Lester

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(This is old and shit lol)
I'm doing requests name, so if'd you like it just request. It can be anonymous, phan, or one of them x reader xx Your choice xx I really enjoy writing these, hope you like them x

Warning- Gay fluff, and the abuse of cinnamon rolls ahead... No real cinnamon rolls were hurt in the making of this writing. <3

Dan's P.O.V.

My legs dangled off the bed, as I munched pleasantly on a cinnamon roll Phil had brought me earlier. I felt a smile arouse on my lips, as I searched through tumblr. So many ridiculous posts, last time I checked, I wasn't a duck... Maybe I'm not too sure.

"Dannnyyyy!!" Phil shouted from outside my room.

"Yess Phillllllyyy?" I hollered back, using the same tone of desperate he had in his voice.

"Come here please!"

I groaned, he does this every time I'm in my browsing position! Why doesn't he let my lazy ass browse?! Plus this cinnamon roll was absolutely delicious, and I didn't want to leave my faithful companion. My computer, and our baby that we made together, the Internet.

I sighed, and placed a kiss on my apple laptop before pushing it away and standing to my feet. My legs were wobbly for barely moving at all today. My limbs felt so weak, I thought for sure I was going to lose my balance. Why can't my human 8-year-old girl body be able to stand my lazy days? Geez, life is so difficult.

"Dan?" Phil shouted my name once again, but with more harshness in his tone.

"I'm coming, calm down!"

I finished my cinnamon roll in one last giant bite, and started out my room to where I thought Phil was.

First place I looked was the lounge, no sigh of Phil.

Second place I went was the bathroom, maybe he had fallen in and needed my help. Nope, no Phil.

Third place I went to was the Kitchen, and that's when I saw it. His camera set up in the corner of the room, angering right at me.

"Shit," My eyes narrowed at the camera. He was going to prank me to get revenge for all the times I had gotten him wasn't he?

Before I could move out of the way in hopes of not being humiliated, I felt the weight of 6.2 almost thirty year old man jump on my back while laughing hysterically. I gasped, and tumbled over to the ground due to the sudden impact. My face came right into the contact of flour, and my black clothes were completely covered.

"Bloody hell Phil, I'm going to kill you!" I shouted, trying to sound imitating.

"Good luck moving!" Phil replied laying on top of me, and I looked to see my face was directly in his hand held camera.

He continue laughing, and winked at me behind the camera.

I growled, before lifting myself up causing him to slip office my back in a yelp. I set on the floor on my knees, and crawled over to him. I pushed myself forward, and jumped onto his body causing the flour to move from my body to his.

"Now whose winning?" I smirked, holding one of his hands down to the ground, as his other one held the camera.

I watched as he placed the camera down in a hurry, and picked up a bottle of honey.

"I am," he said before blasting the honey directly at me. I fell the liquid mash up with my body, as I stood up in disgust.

My Mouth is Yours(Phan Clean/Smut)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant