Ich Liebe Dich

65 2 0

Word Count: 1.5k

Trigger Warnings: None

Summary: The Interactive Introverts tour landed Dan and Phil in Germany. Together, they visit the Berlin Wall to admire it's beautiful art work and Phil tries to impress the younger with his newly acquired German tongue.

Another droplet of sweat rolled down Phil's forehead to his cheek until it finally dropped to the ground from the edge of his chin. There were already multiple beads of sweat on his face and he knew only more were to form. At this point, it would be useless to contentiously try to wipe them away. He had figured Germany was going to be hot, but not boiling. No, it was actually scolding. The sun was constantly beating down on his dangerously pale skin and it was obvious that it would be peeling and a bright, almost bloody, red shade just in time for their Poland show. The agonizing heat also made his head feel loopy, his vision dizzy, and his stomach nauseous. However, none of that was enough to convince him to drop Dan's clammy hand and head back to find safety in their shared hotel room. Even though his body was pleading for an escape, Phil couldn't have been happier. The main reason was the delighted smile the curly brunette that stood slightly in front of him wore.

"Phil! Look!" Dan's voice was more high pitched compared to usual because of how excited he was. The younger man reached up with his free hand and pointed at a painting on the Berlin Wall. Phil immediately tilted his head up, and with squinted eyes, looked up to what Dan was trying to show him. He felt his own lips twitch before curving up into a wide smile of their own. The piece of artwork was of two middle-aged Caucasian men connected by the lips. They were both dressed in suits and appeared to be pretty satisfied with their display of affection. What really pulled it all together was all of the German words scrawled onto it. Each one was divergent and written in a variety of unique colors and sizes. Phil desperately wished he was capable of reading it and it made him feel a very faint ache in his chest. He would consider himself an adequate German speaker even with how much time he had dedicated to learning the brand new language. Even before their tour had started, Phil had a strong desire to do something special for Dan. The only problem was that he had been clueless. He was generally a very creative person who could come up with ideas and create new things with the snap of a finger. However, knowing Dan for nearly ten years had made it feel like they had already done everything. Phil would think up a possible way to surprise Dan and be purely ecstatic for a few seconds until he'd realize they'd already done it before or at least something similar. Of course, he knew Dan wouldn't mind if they were to repeat some of their past activities, but Phil wouldn't allow any of that. All he wanted was a way to truly impress his husband. It quickly became clear to him that coming up with a plan to do just that was going to be scrutinizing. Nonetheless, no matter how difficult, he had eventually came to a conclusion while in Russia. He wanted to write something romantic and read it off to Dan in German. They had a very limited amount of free time due to tour, but whenever he could, Phil was practicing. He would lay down with Dan after a long day and cuddle until the younger boy had fallen asleep. Phil would unravel himself from Dan's arms and get to work as quick as possible. Even though he had been exhausted himself, he knew it would all be worth it. "I love it here."

With that, Phil let his eyes drift down to the other male and melted for an entirely different reason other than the heat. The glint in Dan's big light brown eyes and the way he was smiling so big that his dimples were deep and prominent made his heart pound vigorously within his chest. This moment was almost too perfect to be true and it was as if Dan's words were a signal. If he was going to go through with his plan, he had to do it now.

"Dan...," Phil started but paused when his words came out trembling. The last thing he wanted to do was make a mistake and butcher the foreign words that he had spent hours memorizing.

"What is it?" Dan asked, concern replacing his earlier upbeat tone. Dan and Phil knew each other better than anyone else and it was entirely too easy for one of them to acknowledge when something was bothering the other one. Phil swallowed the lump in his throat and knew it was too late to back out now. If he did, Dan would ask if everything was alright which Phil would have to lie and leave his husband suspicious and wary. He was going to do this and he was going to try his hardest to do it correctly. Phil took a deep breath and squeezed Dan's hand before opening his mouth to try again.

"Dan... Bevor ich dich traf, war ich leer. Alles, was ich getan habe, war, andere glücklich zu machen. Ich war nie wirklich frei, bis ich dich traf. Ich genieße jede Sekunde, die ich mit dir verbringe. Ohne dich bin ich verloren," Phil stopped for a brief moment to finally meet Dan's eyes and to gauge his reaction. A wave of confidence washed over Phil when he saw Dan's mouth was a gap and he was staring at him in shock. "Ich möchte den Rest meines Lebens mit dir verbringen. Du bist perfekt. Du bist schön. Ich bin so glücklich dich zu haben. Ich liebe dich."

Phil let out a sharp breath that he hadn't realized he had been holding in until he was finished with his little monologue. It was an understatement to say that Dan looked utterly stunned and confused. They both stood there for awhile just watching one another, both men frozen in shock. Phil because he was so proud of himself for actually accomplishing the task at hand. Dan, Phil assumed, because Phil speaking German had taken him completely off guard.

"Y-You speak German?" Dan asked after what felt like forever, finally breaking the eerie silence.

"I wanted to do something special for you," Phil answered, forcing a smile to mask how nervous he genuinely was. Dan gave him a sultry grin before releasing Phil's hand to teasingly curl his arm around his waist instead. A gasp escaped Phil's lips when his body was so suddenly yanked towards his husband's, but it didn't take long for him to relax into the embrace. Phil's hands ventured to Dan's waist and they drew tightly together.

"Oh really? Would you mind translating then?" Dan smirked playfully.

"Before I met you, I was empty. Everything I did was to make others happy. I was never truly free until I met you. I enjoy every second I spend with you. Without you, I am lost. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. You are perfect. You are beautiful. I am so lucky to have you. I love you. After translating it, it doesn't sound as appealing as I had imagined." Phil glanced to the ground and blushed a deep crimson purely out of embarrassment. The message he had been trying to get across sounded so much better in German. He sank his two front teeth into his bottom lip and started to think of all the things he could've said instead.

"God, you spork," Dan chuckled and tilted Phil's head up by the chin until they made eye contact once again. "That was single handedly one of the sweetest things you've ever done for me. Thank you, Phil. Really, that meant a lot to me."

Before Phil could even begin to think of a response, Dan took his breath away by gently placing a hand to his cheek and leaning in. Once their lips collided, their movements flowed together flawlessly. The kiss was short and sweet, but made Phil no longer regret what he had said. The way their lips moved in sync usually left Phil desperately craving more, but this time, he wouldn't want it any other way.

"How do you say 'I love you' in German again?" Dan asked after putting an end to their passionate lip lock and connecting their foreheads instead. Neither one of them noticed how they instinctively pulled each other closer.

"Ich liebe dich."

" I ich liebe dich you too."


Hello everyone! Whoa... Im proud of myself for actually updating on time. I haven't been able to due to finals but its finally summer so ive been writing as much as possible! I couldnt think of any ideas and asked one of my good friends and she gave me this good cheesy idea so thanks to her for that! I actually really enjoyed writing this even if it was super short it was a lot of fun! I hope you guys like it! Next weeks update will be pretty long considering this one is so short! Anyway thanks for reading! Love you guys! If you have any requests dont be afraid to ask! I take any c:



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