Fatal Dedication

113 3 1

Word Count: 7.3k

Warnings: Guns, Violence, Swearing, Explosions, Death, Blood, Gore, Physical abuse, Sexual abuse(Not too detailed)

Summary: Philip Lester lives a wild and dangerous life. Daniel Howell had once fallen in love with the bad boy and worked alongside him until he got fed up and left. One day when Phil is in the middle of a car chase, the two men are reacquainted. 

Phil dug his fingernails into the steering wheel as he glanced in his rear view mirror. His mind was incapable of reasonable thought and his veins were pumping with adrenaline. Beads of sweat formed at the top of his brow and dripped down his cheek, eventually finding its way to his torn black jeans. His heart rate was increasing rapidly and the consistent beat was echoing inside of his head. He was absolutely clueless as to how they had caught on. How they had pinpointed his location so quickly and were now following him at the speed of light. After what Phil had done, he knew they only had one intention. Phil pressed his foot down on the gas as hard as he could and was slammed into his seat at the sudden drastic change in speed. Phil bypassed a couple of cars and was so thankful he hadn't picked a busy street to have a car chase on. He turned down many different streets at an attempt to lose the two enemy cars chasing him. Possible scenarios were running through his head as if he had his own cinema programmed into his brain. Death. The fear of death gave him enough strength to continue on and fight even when he appeared to be on his last leg. These men could easily capture him and have him murdered in the same second. Just the thought made Phil fill with rage, he refused to go out like this.

Phil examined the area around him a couple of times to really take in all of his surroundings. He saw he was nearing an alleyway and decided to make an ambitious move. The men were gaining on him and there was a slow truck in front of him with a driver who enjoyed being a prick by not allowing Phil to pass him.

He turned the wheel so fast and with so much force and even though he expected it, he still bumped his head into the glass of the window.

"Fuck!" Phil cried out, an obvious bump forming on his head and a faint crack now down the middle of the window. He slowed his pace and tried to make himself appear invisible as he passed through the alley. Once he reached the end, he was just beginning to feel a sense of pride build up in the pit of his stomach for being able to get away successfully when he turned to look behind him. Sure enough, the two cars had found him again and were going at a much quicker pace than from before.

"How the?!" Phil shouted to himself in anger and stepped on the gas.

He could hear the mixture of his tires and other car tires around him trying to avoid him, screeching and tearing against the harsh concrete. He could hear his engine roaring loudly and it was so distracting. Phil had such a clear, long road ahead of him that would hopefully branch off into an exit for a better chance of escaping, which was his only objective. He felt as if nothing could stop him since he was so focused on his goal. However, that was until a boy suddenly appeared in the road ahead. He was sitting up with his legs bent at an awkward angle underneath of him. Phil could tell the boy was staring at him even if he couldn't see him clearly. Phil began to feel a mix of sorrow and anger at the boy. Sorrow for being in the middle of the road, sprawled out as if it was his bed. Anger for interrupting something so crucial to Phil's life. If he didn't get away, it would surely be the end.

Phil peered behind him for a brief moment and sighed heavily. He couldn't see the two black vehicles, but he knew they were close. He could just drive around the poor boy and pretend he never saw him. But what type of person would that make him? He was already a thief, drug-dealer, asshole, and any other creative labels he'd been given in the past. Leaving this boy would most likely lead to him getting plowed by the sharp and idiotic men behind him. They wouldn't think twice and wouldn't put in the effort to go around him. He'd be dead and it'd be Phil's fault. Well, it wouldn't be completely his fault. Why was this boy out in the middle of the road anyway? Was he entirely stupid?

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