Survival of the Fittest

116 2 0

Word Count: 3.2k

Trigger Warnings: Sexual Content, Suicidal mentions, Prostitution, Swearing, Violence

Summary: Daniel Howell is all alone in the world and has to sell his body to survive. Philip Lester is rich and can't seem to make up his mind.

"Disgusting," a middle aged woman mumbled as Dan strutted past her. He made sure to twist his hips more than usual and to ignore her venomous glare. This wasn't unusual. In fact, Dan was used to this by now. Having people call him out or bluntly insult him for his 'job'. It wasn't like Dan wanted to live on the streets and sell his body in order to survive at all. But they didn't care. They never would and they'd never be able to understand. They had families and jobs to give them a reason to live. Dan never bothered any one else, but everyone always bothered him. At first, it had drove Dan to the edge of insanity and he hated himself. But now, he realized that they were in the wrong just as much as he was and should just brush off their hateful comments. Besides, he needed the money. Dan never graduated high school and with his record, he'd never be able to have a normal life. He could never just drop prostitution and try to succeed in the real world no matter how hard he wanted to. He saw himself as unworthy and worthless. That this was what he deserved and that he'd never be able to find anything better.

The wind fought against Dan's greasy curly hair as he walked to the end of the alleyway. Dan didn't have a certain location he needed to be and didn't have any specific objective for the night. He never did. He drifted from shady neighborhood to shady neighborhood, hoping he wouldn't be caught. There was also always the fear of someone from high school wanting to buy him for the night or recognizing him as they drove past. Hopefully, no one ever would. His life was already embarrassing enough and he could handle the occasional insult thrown at him, but being targeted by someone he knew would be too much for him. The sound of Dan's large black heels began to echo and grow louder as he neared the end of the street corner.

This should be good enough. He thought to himself as he came to a sudden halt and leaned against the street lamp. Even though he had been wearing heels consistently for about 8 years, they still hurt like hell. However, they really screamed 'prostitute' for men driving by for some reason. Days when he wore them he seemed to get more business compared to the days that he didn't.

Dan reached into his purse and pulled out his portable blush compact to perfect his appearance. He opened it and brought it up to his face. Eyebrows recently plucked, grey eye shadow still in tact, eyeliner still making a grand cat eye, blush still rosy, and red lipstick hadn't smeared yet. He was in good shape and was ready for the long night to begin. Each day got easier for him, but it also got more difficult. Dan hated every moment of being handled by a stranger in ways that strangers shouldn't handle you. But Dan was brave and good at what he did. So therefore, why should he stop if it was bringing in the money he needed for food and clothing?

Dan glanced one last time at his reflection and attempted to make his hair look presentable when he noticed a black Mercedes approaching him.


The car rolled by to his side and rolled down the passenger seat window. Dan sighed before pulling on his signature smirk and preparing to win whoever this was over.

"Can I help you, Sir?" Dan asked smoothly as he bent down to lean inside and peer at the man. However, when Dan made eye contact with this man, he nearly lost his ability to act. He was incredible and took Dan's breath away. Raven black hair that went up into a high quiff on the top of his head and deep ocean blue eyes that had traces of yellow and green in them. Dan had seen thousands, maybe even millions, of men before, but none of them even came close to the one set in the drivers seat across from him.

My Mouth is Yours(Phan Clean/Smut)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя