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Part 5 mamrie PoV-
I work up and rubbed my eyes then realised that Hannah and Ingrid are suppose to be coming today "Grace when's Hannah coming round"
I waited a while there was no reply I then opened my bedroom door and ther was nobody there "Grace were are you don't mess around"
I was grabbed, the door slam shut behind me and I was pinned against it. I look at this person it was Hannah.
"Han what are you doing?,were Grace and Ingrid?" I said with a worried expression
"They've gone out to get drinks" she said gazing strait into my eyes
She pushed me harder agains the door " why have you been ignoring my messages, do you know what this has done to me" Hannah cries but stays angrily looking into my eyes.
"I left u because you'd already chosen Ingrid you love her not me just admit it,she more than I'll ever be." My eye also start to water but I hold it back
Hannah looks down and lets me go "mamrie what you really thought t-that.." Hannah stutters ,
"Well explain then because from were I am it looks like Ingrid already has your hart"
Hannah grabs my face and pulls me into her, are lips clash I can't do anything I'm in shock and still trying to figure out whats happening. I pull away "Hannah what are you doing?"
"I'm explaining now be quiet and let me finish" she said, as she put her fingers through my hair and grabbed the back of my neck and pulled me in for one more explanation, but this time I wasn't pulling away in such a hurry I grabbed her hat and through it across the room so I could se this beautiful blonde haired Lesbian and all her perfect features..
Don't really know if this is good or bad and I wrote this in a hurry so I have had to make changes A lot sorry x<3

You're in for a treat! // hartsquaredDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora