Staying the week

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Part 9 mamries PoV-
I get a wash to get the sticky red wine of me. I can't believe I was so stupid to slip over nothing. After I got out of the shower I asked Hannah if she wanted to stay till the end of the week, because she was supposed to be leaving tomorrow morning and we haven't had much time to are selves. "Yer that sound great" Hannah said
Grace will be ok with the idea she loves us hanging out as the holy trinity, and it will give us the opportunity to make some videos for all are channels.
"I don't thing Ingrid will be staying though because she was supposed to be going to see her family,so il have to tell her she'll be traveling back alone." Hannah fronds worried if Ingrid will want to go back on her own, but I guess she'll have to if she wants to see her family!
Me and Hannah walk out of the bed room holding hands, I speak up "Hannah is staying the rest of the week,any objections please speak now or forever hold your peace" Hannah squeezes my hand and shakes her head
Smiling at me.
"No body objected so looked like you'll be staying"
"We're will she sleep?"Grace asked
"I'll sleep on the sofa if that's no trouble" Hannah says
Hannah you can't sleep on the sofa,
Sleep in my bed it's warmer and more comfortable.

You're in for a treat! // hartsquaredOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz