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Part 14 Hannah's PoV-
Me and mamrie talked out side for a while, all I could think about was her, how much I love her and how bad I felt because I could tell she was upset when me and Tyler walked out, his arms were around me but while I was in thebathroom I was only thinking about one thing ... Mamrie
"Hey mamrie actually I do need to tell you some thing but in never felt I had the confidence, I've wanted to say this for a while and I've held back because I didn't think you were interested but I have one question!"
I slowly get down on one knee and go to my back pocket.
"Hannah what are you doing?" Mamrie asked with her hands over her mouth
"Mamrie Lillian Hart, will you do me the honour of being my wife?,so we can love and be together till we're ashes on the ground!"
"Ok a little to far but yes yes of cause I will now get up and hug me u silly, sexy , beautiful woman!"mamrie grabs me and picked me up, I wrap my legs around her and start kissing and biting her neck, she squeezes me harder.
We then speak in sink" I love you"

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