Chapter 1 ~ Into Their Word

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*Mari's POV*

I wake up in the cardboard box that I normally hide in when I am being chased, I peek outside the box to see if anyone is there. To my luck, no one is. I crawl out of the box and stand and stretch, but there is a horrible throbbing of pain in my legs and right arm, since I have cuts and scars all over my body. My tail is missing patches of fur and my ears are cut and my left ear has the tip cut off. I look down at the rags I have covering myself, I sigh and look around the corner at the bakery. I put on my emotionless face and sneak into the bakery. I grab a piece of bread and run out as fast as I can. I just keep running as fast as I can, from what the footsteps sound like, I can tell there are about 3 adult men chasing me. I turn a corner into my alley way, I jump into the box and go silent. I listen to the men talking. "Where did that fox go?" "It's the third time this week! We should just capture it or kill it." I don't even flinch at their harsh words, I'm to used to hearing them that they are a part of my daily life. Then the box opens I was going to scream but I just kept quiet, it would mean I had given into them. One of the men grabs my tail and pulls me out. "How did she even fit in there?" He asks. Oh yeah, I am pretty tall, so I guess that's why I am always stiff when I sleep in the box. "Whatever, lets just beat her up and get outta here." One of the other two says. They beat for about 10 minutes then throw me against a wall leaving me there to die. I have a bunch more bruises and cuts, and I think they broke my left leg... My consciousness starts fading, but right before that happens, I look out of the alley from where I am laying and see a huge screen on one of the buildings that has an add about Naruto a famous anime. My last thought before I passed out, I wish I could go to that world and be able to defend myself.... 

I slowly start to wake up and open my eyes. To bright! didn't I pass out in that alley, and why do I feel so different? I try to lift my head, but I can't move, my body is weak and sore, I can't even feel my left leg. I just lay there for a couple of minuted till I sense something coming, I finally can move my head, so I look around hoping to find a way out of the persons path. A forest? I start to feel my arms and hands again so I try to drag myself into a bush. "Hey! What are you doing there?" I hear a very familiar voice say, but I couldn't figure out who's. I keep my head down and stay quiet. "Hey, are you listening?" I hear him say again, if I were to take a guess he sounds like an adult, maybe to be in his 20's. I feel my ears twitching and I move my tail. "Is that a tail?" I feel him tug on my tail and I wince at the pain and pull away quickly. "Oh.. Sorry, I guess it is real." I growl slightly, and try to stand up, my left leg gives out and I fall, only to be caught by the man. I look up at his face and he had silver hair, and a mask that covers his face, his left eye is covered by a head protector that has the.. LEAF NINJA SYMBOL?!?! I start freaking out I realized who it was, Kakashi Hatake... "K-K-Kakashi Hatake...." I manage to blurt out. "Do you know me?" He asks and I stay silent, then feel left leg throb in pain again, I whine a little. He notices all my injuries now and lifts me into his arms, and stats to jump tree to tree. We stopped jump and now he is running. I wonder where he is taking me...? Whatever, I got half my wish, I'm here in Naruto... I look around while we are running and see the Konoha village gates. "Hey Kakas-" I hear Kotetsu saying hello, but he stopped when he saw me. "Kakashi, who is the kid?" Izumo asks. "I am bringing her to the hospital, I'll ask who she is later!" Kakashi yells to them as we run into the village to a hospital. I just fall asleep when the medical ninja come out to us.

*Hokage's POV*

I was looking through some papers when there was a knock at the door. "Come in" I yell slightly to the person on the outside, Iruka comes in out of breath. "Hokage-sama! It's Naruto! He painted all over the Hokage Faces!" I sigh and continue to look through the papers.

*Mari's POV*

I wake up feeling better than I ever had, I sit up and look around. I was in a hospital room, then Kakashi walks in. "Oh, your up? How are you feeling?" I nod my head telling him I am fine. "If your feeling better, the Hokage wants to meet you." I get out of the bed and look at my tail it looks like the fur grew back and I don't have any fresh cuts. "What happened to my injuries?" I finally speak up. "Medical Ninja healed you, it was just some simple cuts and bruises, and a minor fracture in you left leg." I nod, then he brings me to where the Hokage's office is, Kakashi knocks and I hear an old man. "Come in." Kakashi brings me in, but I hide behind him. "Hokage-sama, I found this... girl, in the forest just outside the village." I stand out from behind him, my ears down as if I were sorry and my tail somewhat swaying behind me. "Hello child, what is your name?" The Hokage asks me. "I-It's Mari... Mari Rosuto." Kakashi and the Hokage look surprised. "Hokage-sama, wasn't the Rosuto clan wiped out 13 years ago?" I was now completely confused... I just zoned out not listening to them talking about the Rosuto clan. "Mari, do you want to join to academy?" I heard the Hokage say and I nodded almost right away. The Hokage handed me a bag of coins and a key. "Since your an orphan, you'll get monthly pays, and don't worry about rent." The Hokage says smiling. I smile for the fist time in 3 years and bow. "Thank you Hokage-sama!"

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