Chapter 7 ~ Gaara

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*Mari's POV*

After Inari and I finished talking I brought him back inside. I went back outside to find Naruto training. "Hey Naruto." I say and he stops training. "Hey Mari-chan." He greets back. "Mind if I stay with you out here? It's a nice night." He nods and goes back to training. The night's over before I know it and I see Haku coming our way collecting herbs. I get up, run over and tackle him. "Haku!" I say as I jump on him. "Oh hello again." He sounds like he is completely used to being tackled by me. "So... How is Zabuza doing? Is he ok now?" He nods and we continue talking about stuff. Luckily Naruto is asleep and still asleep when Haku is leaving. "Bye Haku, I'll see you and Zabuza very soon." "Wait, I never got your name." He says. "You already know my last name but whatever, Mari Rosuto." He nods and we hug once more and he leaves. Then I bring Naruto back to the house and put him in his and Sasuke's room. "Sleep peacefully for now..." I sigh and walk out. The rest of that day passes quickly and now it's time for the battle on the bridge. Naruto is still asleep so we leave him to rest and Sasuke, Sakura, Kakashi, Tazuna, and I head out to the bridge. When we get there I shield my eyes seeing the bodies. Then I look up and see Zabuza and Haku, but I put my head down right after. "Hey kid, you should have stayed with us." Zabuza say with confidence. Haku has his mask on, I wish he didn't. Mist soon forms around us and Sakura and I guard Tazuna. Before I know it, Sasuke is surrounded by mirrors and being pelted with senbon. Then Naruto shows up, and being the idiot he sometimes is, he jumped into the mirrors to 'help' Sasuke. I just watch as everything happens. Sasuke 'dies' and Naruto fuzes with the Nine-Tailed Fox. I watch as Haku almost dies, then he protects Zabuza from Kakashi. I can't stand it anymore, I run over and take Haku out of their talk and lay him down. I cry over his body. "Haku... I should have stopped this from happening..." My ears are down and my tail isn't swaying like it normally does and I am screaming and crying into Haku's chest. I don't even realize that Zabuza's body is right next to Haku's. I hug both of them crying. "Hey kid... Why do you cry for us...?" Zabuza asks weakly. "I-I cry for you, because I know you are both kind on the inside..." Then it starts snowing, I am then pulled away from their bodies by Kakashi. I stay silent as he pushes me back toward the house.

A few days pass, and the bridge is built, they decide to name it 'The Great Naruto Bridge'. We soon were back in the village doing D-Rank 'missions'. I watched as Konohamaru bumped into Kankuro and he got lifted by the neck. I sighed and appeared next to them and hit Kankuro on a pressure point that made his arm go limp. I nudged Konohamaru towards Naruto. "Hey! Dog freak!" I was now mad. "Excuse me? I am part fox not part dog, unlike you Kankuro who acts like a cat with those clothes." He started to get crow out, I sighed waiting for Panda-chan. "Don't bother with crow." He looked shocked, then I looked up to where Gaara would be, and then a few seconds later, there he was. "G-Gaara..." Kankuro stuttered clearly afraid of his little brother. I smiled and when Gaara appeared, I hugged him before the sand could get to me. Kankuro and Temari looked terrified, and my friends looked shocked, Gaara? Well..... He froze on the spot.... I backed up and held out my hand to him. "Hello Gaara, it's great to finally meet you." I say with a close eyed smile. He hesitates, but takes my hand. I shake hands with him and back up to my friends. "Sasuke, stop pouting about how I beat up Kankuro and you didn't get to hit him with a rock. " I look up at him, and now everyone else notices him there. "Hn..." My ears perk up as I hear Gaara's voice. "You, with the ears and tail, what's your name? Also black hair." I smile, and turn back to him, then run over and whisper in his ear. "My name is Mari Rosuto, and that's Sasuke Uchiha. Oh right, Shukaku, please let Gaara sleep tonight, he'll need it." I back up and smile again while Gaara stands there with wide eyes. "Oh right! I gotta go guys! I'll see you later!" I say to my friends and wave to them and Gaara turning into a huge fox and running off.

*Gaara's POV* (A/N) When Gaara is thinking it'll be be italic, when it's Shukaku, it'll be bold and italic.

How did she know about you?

I don't know...She is very mysterious, I thought there were no more Rosuto's?

I think that was proof enough when she transformed into the large fox... I hope to meet her again, but I don't know why...

I think you like her... I don't mind her, she does know about me. Oh and her request to let you sleep tonight. I guess I could let you...

Thanks, and it's not like that...

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