Chapter 8 ~ Shu Ka Ka

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(A/N) Sorry for the long awaited update! I had a family member die so I was busy and depressed. I apologize for the VERY late update once again, I hope I can update sooner next time. ;-;

*Mari's POV*

I didn't really have to go somewhere, I just had to get out of there since my face was probably about to turn as bright red as a tomato. I make it to some trees and I just sit down panting. Soon I here people coming my way, from my senses it seems to be three genin and a jounin, most likely a team. I just sit there since I feel no threat from them. Then they all jump out in front of me, it was Tenten, Neji, Gai, and Lee, they all look as if they are going to attack me. I lay down and whimper a little to show I am no harm to them. "So cute!!" Tenten starts thinking I'm cute, so I stand up and pad over to her and lower my head to her. She starts petting me and it is rather enjoyable. "Tenten, I think she likes you." Neji starts talking. I back away from them and they just watch me, I transform back into my half form. "Hello~" I say to their dumb-founded faces. "So your the last Rosuto." Gai speaks up. "Yeah, nice to meet you, Gai-sensei, Tenten, Neji, and Lee." I do a peace sign and then Lee walks up to me. "Will you go out with me?" I flinch, no one has ever asked me that. "Sorry, but I'm not interested in a relationship right now." I say smiling. "Wow, first girl to let him off easy..." Tenten says surprised. I laugh a little, then my tail sways behind me happily, and my ears twitch hearing my team yelling trying to find me. "Well, I'll see you all at the chunin exams!" I say and run off towards my team.

"Mari-chan!" Naruto yells out trying to find me, I jump down in front of him and he jumps back. "Hey Naruto, let's go! We are gonna be late meeting Sakura, Sasuke, and Kakashi-sensei!" I say and drag him to the bridge. When we get to the bridge I let go of Naruto's wrist and lean against the edge. "Guys, when Kakashi-sensei gets here I bet he'll say he got lost on the path of life..." They all look at me confused then Kakashi shows up. "YOUR LATE!" Sakura and Naruto scold him in unison. "Sorry, I got lost on the path of life." Kakashi lies. Everyone looks at me, and I just shrug. I tune their voices out thinking about how I can save Sasuke from Orochimaru's curse mark hickey thing. Then I take the paper for the chunin exam. "I'm in obviously, and we can be a team of four right?" Kakashi nods. "The Hokage made an exception for our team." I smile, then I take the paper for the chunin exams.

I jump across some buildings and head towards the forest to train a bit, although I don't think I'll need it since I know everything about everyone already... Once I got there, I decided to practice transforming into my fox form. I relaxed and leaned forward into the transition. Once I transformed, I pranced around like a drunk fox, and just laughed inside my head. I felt a VERY familiar presence and turned and tackled my sweet Panda-Chan. His eyes widened ever so slightly as we fell to the ground, though his face turned back to his normal stoic-faced beautifulness. My voice sounded animal-like as I spoke. "Hello~ Pan~Da~Chan~" He pushed me off him and I transformed back to my half form, pouting a little. "Ah, you are no fun!" I complained to him. I thought I saw him slightly smirk, but I brushed it off and just sat against a tree. "So, whatcha need?" I asked him laid back like. "I just wondered how you knew about Shukaku?" He asked, I got up and did a pose like I am thinking, then jumped in the air and screamed. "Eureka!" He looked at me like I was mental, although with all the beating to the head I wouldn't doubt if I really had some sort of disorder. "Well Panda-Chan! The reason I know about Skuka~Ka~ is because I am just that awesome!" He sweat-dropped and spoke in an annoyed tone. "His name is 'Shukaku"







"Wait, no!" He tried to save his mistake but I was on the ground dying of laughter. He grabbed me and pinned me to a tree holding my wrists on either side of my head. "Eh...?" I had a little bit of a late reaction to this and my face flushed. He just held me tighter as I struggled. "Your annoying me, do you want to die?" I just smirked. "Well... Gaara-San I would personally love to, but I have a few more lives to save before I do so, and by the way... You aren't the first to threaten me like so, I have been threatened similarly my whole life. Now if you would kindly indulge my new request to let me go?" I said with venom dripping from my voice. He looked a little taken aback. I slid from his grasp and backed away from him. "Well, I should go now... Sorry..." I said, although I had no clue about what I was apologizing for. I turned and started to walk away. Well that was awkward, but I should act like nothing happened.

*Gaara's POV* (A/N) Hopefully you remember what text means what from last chapter!

Did I hurt her?

I bet you did...

Helpful aren't you?

I hope I am, lets just go back to Temari and Kankuro...


*Mari's POV*

I waltzed through the village hoping to find something fun to do before the first part of the exam tomorrow. I turned a sharp corner and rammed into someone. "Watch it, un!"

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