Chapter 4 ~ The Bell Test & Tazuna

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*Mari's POV*

"Well... Lets go up to the roof first." Kakashi said and poofed away. We all met him on the roof. We all sat down and Kakashi was on the rail. I zoned out since I new all about everyone already. "air.. Mari... Mari-chan!" I snapped back. "Huh?" Everyone was looking at me. "Oh.. Sorry." They all sweat-dropped. "Introduce yourself." Kakashi said. "Ok. My name is Mari Rosuto, I like singing, all animals, ramen, making people smile, training and a few other things I don't want  to mention. I dislike torture, hardcore fangirls, jerks, and stuck up people. My hobbies singing, training, and I don't know what else. My dream for the future..." My hair created a shadow over my eyes. "I can't talk about it..." I kept my head down. I looked back up and smiled. "Ok then... Your all different and unique. Meet at the designated location tomorrow at five in the morning, and don't eat breakfast, or you'll puke." He finishes and disappears.  We're all quiet for a second then I stand up. "Ok guys, see you tomorrow. Remember the plan." I wave and jump down running home.

The next morning I wake up around nine and get ready, then head over to where we're all meeting. I get there around nine fifteen. "YOUR LATE!" Naruto and Sakura yell at me in unison, I shrug. "A black cat crossed my path so I had to take the long way..." Then Kakashi shows up. "Sorry, a black cat crossed my path so I had to take the long way." He said and everyone, even Sasuke looked at me. Kakashi was confused and I was rolling on the ground laughing. I stood up and wiped my tears. "Ok! Lets get started" I went over to Kakashi and pulled the alarm clock from his jacket and set it to noon and put it on the stump. "Kakashi-sensei, I set it to noon, so start explaining." I smirked and then ignored the explanation. Then right before we started Naruto attacked but was blocked and countered. I sighed. "Guys, the plan remember." I got serious and Kakashi was a bit surprised. "Ok, ready.. Set.. Go!" We all jumped into the trees and met up in a tree while Kakashi waited for us in the open. "Ok, so since there are only three bells, Naruto, you distract him with your Shadow Clones, Sasuke, you attack him, and Sakura and will sneak up and try to grab the bells. If Sakura fails, then I'll jump at him and grab the bells." We all nod, the plan begins.

Naruto makes about seven more of himself making eight in all, then attacks Kakashi distracting him. Sasuke jumps in and attacks Kakashi and Sakura sneaks up. Although, like I thought, he replaced himself with a Naruto clone. I found him in a tree, and since I am part fox, I know how to sneak up on my prey pretty well. I grab the bells without him noticing and sprint off. We all met up and I handed out the bells. "How'd you get them?" Sakura asked. "When he replaced himself with a Naruto clone, he was hiding in tree. Since I am part fox, I am rather stealthy, so I took the bells." I said and shrugged we all smiled, except Sasuke. Then the bell rang. We all met up at the post. "Hey Kakashi, tie me to the post, I didn't get a bell." I smiled. "Neither did anyone else." He said, but everyone but me held up a bell. "H-How?" He was so confused. I smirked. "When you were hiding in that tree, I was able to steal the bells from you, never let a ninja get behind you Kakashi-sensei." I smirked again and then was tied to the stump. "Ok, since you all, but Mari, got a bell, eat your lunch and then after we'll do something to see if Mari should pass or not. Also DO NOT feed Mari, or you will fail automatically." He said and poofed away. They all started eating and my stomach growled, I blushed and looked up at the to distract myself from this. Then food was put in my mouth, I looked to see who did that and saw Sasuke. "We don't know what he is going to try, you need your strength also." "Sasuke-kun! Your going to fail if you feed her!" "Hn" I just stared at them. Sakura then fed me a rice ball. "YOU!!!" Kakashi appeared out of nowhere dark clouds followed. "...Pass." He said with his close eyed smile. "Good, by the way Kakashi, this bell test was about teamwork, right?" He nodded. Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura stared at me. I giggled and broke free of the ropes. "Man..." I look at the ropes. "What horrible memories I have..." I say quietly to myself and Kakashi looks at me. Well they all looked at me like 'How did you break the ropes?!' I chuckled and walked home.

I heard my team conversing over the microphones. We were on a mission trying to find a cat, thing is I already found it and is currently holding the cat petting it, it seemed to take a liking to me. "Mari!" I heard Kakashi yell. "Yeah?" "What is your position?" I sighed. "Guys you can come out, I already have the cat..." They all came out of hiding and walked over to me and sweat-dropped. "Mari-chan, how long have you been petting Tora?" Naruto spoke up. "About since you guys started acting all professional, why?" They all anime fell and then we brought the cat back to it's owner. I watched Tora get sqeezed to death and the owner left with Tora. "Ok, so Team 7 has a few available missi-" The Hokage was cut off by Naruto and myself. "No!!! I wanna go on a real mission!Something challenging and exciting, not this little kids stuff! Come on old man!" We complained putting our arms in an 'x'. I always wanted to do that. I chuckled. Then ignored Iruka and Naruto fighting, then the Hokage's explanation of rankings on missions. Then I listened to Naruto's ramen thing. Laughing a little I started to listen fully again. "Since Naruto wants to prove himself to not being a brat, but a former brat. I'll let Team 7 do a C-ranked mission. It's a bodyguard mission." The Hokage said smirking. I sighed. "Whi? Who? Are we guarding a a princess or a feudal lord?!" Naruto asked impatiently. The door opened and memories filled my head of the time I was beat and cut by a bunch of drunks. I froze and started shivering. "What the? A bunch a little snot nosed kids? And you, the little one with the idiotic look on your face, you really expect me to believe your a ninja?" Naruto laughs. "Who's the little one with the idiotic look on his face?" They all lined up except me, still shaken by the memory's and no one had noticed. Naruto then burst out. "I'll demolish you!!!" "You can't demolish the client Naruto, it doesn't work that way..." Kakashi said "And you, the one with the ears and puffy tail! You look like a weakling that couldn't hurt a fly!" I suppose he was talking to me, since I'm the only one here with a tail. I would love to kick his butt, but I am to scared to move. "Mari-chan? What's wrong?" Naruto asked. Kakashi came over to me and put a hand on my shoulder making me flinch. "Mari?" He looked concerned, a look I have never seen toward myself. "I-I'm fine..." I stuttered. "See? What'd I tell you? She's to weak!" This time I'm not frozen. I appear in front of Tazuna because of my speed and grab the bottle of sake. "H-Hey! That's my sake you brat!" He goes to punch me, but I let him hit my back. Everyone gasped. 

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