Chapter 5 ~ Zabuza & Haku

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*Mari's POV*

Everyone gasped, well I did just let Tazuna hit me so... "Are you satisfied punching me you drunk? Your just like they all were..." I whispered the last part, but Kakashi and the Hokage probably heard me. I threw the sake out the window. "Don't ever bring sake near me again." There I growled and Tazuna looked shocked but backed off. "I already know to meet you guys at the gates and all about this mission, I'll see you all there." I jumped out the window, ignoring their protests. I ran home and packed quickly, then ran to the gates early. I jumped onto Kotetsu. "Ko~Tets~U~" I sang as I hang onto him. "H-Hey! Get off me!" He yelled and pushed me off, I landed on my butt. "Ow... Jeez Kotetsu, your can be so mean. Nothing like Izumo, he's so nice." I saw Izumo behind him blush and I smirked. I got up and they now noticed my ears and tail. "Your the girl Kakashi was carrying the other week." Izumo pointed out. I jumped up happily. "You finally noticed!' I hugged them both and kissed them on their cheek. They both blushed this time. I laughed. "Well, I'm just waiting for my team to get here for our first C-Ranked mission." They looked at each other then back to me. "Who is your sensei?" They asked. "Kakashi-sensei." They didn't look to surprised. "Ok, well, I don't want to distract you guys from your work, so I'll go wait by a tree." I waved and went and sat against a tree, but fell asleep.

I woke up to being shaken awake by Kakashi. "Mari, come on, we are starting the mission." I nod and get up and stretch then my tail swerves to the front of me and I play with my fur. "Kakashi, I need to tell you something before we leave." He nods and leans over to me, I whisper in his ear. "It hasn't rained in a few weeks, don't get your feet wet..." I started walking ahead. "Well, lets go guys!" I waved to them. We all started walking. After about a half hour, we saw a puddle I stopped. Kakashi noticed but kept walking. I crouched down and started stabbing the puddle with a kunai. "Hm..." I hummed as I kept stabbing it. I got up and walked away. Then I saw them appear but not attack since they had a bunch of stab wounds. "Ha! You guys waited until I was done stabbing you!" I Broke out laughing and my team looked at me like I was insane. They attacked and they went for me first. I got a emotionless with surprised my team. I sneaked behind them and hit pressure points on their necks making them immobile. They fell to the floor and I smirked, dragged them over to a tree and tied them up. "Now, tell me who you wanted to kill, and why?" They explained that they were after Tazuna and why. I smiled at them and hit another pressure point that made them pass out. "There you go Kakashi." I smirked. Everyone was still frozen in shock. We continued on without another word and we were already on the boat not soon later. I ignored everyone during the ride. When we got to shore I started talking to Naruto. "Naruto, don't try to impress anyone by throwing kunai at anything you sense." Then I spoke up to everyone. "Everyone, up your guard, don't be shocked by what I am about to do." They all nodded and I got into a position no human could do. I started to transform into a wolf sized fox. They all looked surprised, I nodded my head and ran off ahead to watch them from the shadows. I found Zabuza and Haku in hiding. I growled at Zabuza and his eyes widened at me from under his mask. I could talk, but my voice was beast-like. "Zabuza Momochi, stay away from my teammates, and the Copy Ninja." He snickered at me. "So this must be the last Rosuto." I transformed back into my half form. "Phew! That is so tiring! By the way, Haku!!! Come on! I want to talk to you to!" I yelled smiling, Zabuza looked surprised, I giggled. Haku came out of nowhere. "Haku!" I jumped up and hugged him. "Get off! I'll kill you!" He threatened. "Awww, It's cute when your menacing, but I know your to kind." I said giving him a warm close eyed smile. He flinched and pushed me off him. "Hmph. Your just like Kotetsu sometimes." I pouted. "So kid, how'd you find us?" Zabuza asked not as surprised anymore. "Well... I am just awesome, and I saw your snow rabbit thing. White fur? Really? How more obvious can it get?" They sweat-dropped. "Well, I know how this plays out, so.. Haku! Can I watch the fight with you?" I begged. "I-I guess..." He hesitated. "Yay! Oh and Zabuza," "Hm?" "I need you to act like you kidnapped me or something, I have more to tell you." I said with a smile. "What are you a traitor?" I smirked. "Nope, just trying to keep awesome people alive!" I said and hugged them both. Then Haku and myself jumped off to watch the battle.

*3rd person POV* (A/N) I know this is a bad time to ask, but who do you people ship with Mari?Also I am including Gaara, and I'll ask again later.

Team 7 and Tazuna continued to walk along the path wondering where Mari is. "I wonder why Mari isn't checking in with us...?" Sakura asked. Naruto started throwing Kunai everywhere and almost hit the snow rabbit. He didn't listen to me. Mari thought as she watched. Then Zabuza threw his sword at them and everyone ducked, and the sword got lodged in a tree. He was standing backwards with a note on his back that read 'I'm standing backwards and I know it!' Mari was laughing her butt off at this point, Haku was snickering, Naruto was laughing on the ground, Kakashi smirked under his mask, Sakura just stared like an idiot trying to read it, and Sasuke, being the emo he is, just sat there. Oh, and Tazuna, he had this like hyena laugh. Zabuza took the note off and ripped it to shreds. Mari stopped laughing but was still smirking. Everyone got serious. Here it is, my chance to shine, Believe it! I'm gonna be stronger than Mari!  Naruto thought. "Well, if it isn't Zabuza Momochi, rouge ninja of the Village Hidden In The Mist." Kakashi said. Rouge ninja? Whatever! Nothing's gonna stop me! Go! Naruto thought and charge, but was stopped by Kakashi. "Your in the way, get back." "But why?!" Naruto protested. "He's not like those other ninja, he's in a whole other league. If he's our opponent, I'll need this," Everyone was shocked by what Kakashi was going to do. "this might be dangerous..." Zabuza spoke up again. "Kakashi of the Sharingan Eye, did I get that right? Your little student, the Rosuto, she was to easy." Everyone was shocked that he mentioned Mari. "What did you do with Mari-chan?!" Naruto was starting to get furious. Zabuza snickered. "Oh nothing really..." Kakashi pulled up his headband revealing the Sharingan, he lunged at Zabuza. "What...? This is different..." Mari thought out loud.

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