Untitled Part 1

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He woke up from the cold air that was coming from the open window. He had left it open last night. Last night?

Dylan's mind was a mess. What happened last night? Clearly he'd drunk A LOT, since trying to get out off bed felt like being hit by a thousand hammers.

-Hangover, he thought

He had gotten used to that feeling. Dylan started drinking after he broke up with his girlfriend . Ever since that happened, he couldn't help it, but feel alone. He had given that girl e everything and she cheated on him!!

- You just never take anything seriously she'd said to justify her actions.

Dylan missed her. Or at least that's what he told his friends and the press. Deep down he loathed her! He remembered her touch and he wanted to crawl out of his skin.

And these feelings weren't there only because she was a cheater. They had been there for a long time. Every time she and Dylan went to sleep together, he just couldn't feel wanted. Every time she talked her words seemed fake. Whenever Dylan felt like talking, or sharing a problem of his, he was cut off by constant nagging from his so-called girlfriend. She never listened. She just talked about herself all night long.

So deep inside, Dylan wa happy that they'd broken up. But he still wanted to feel loved. Lots of his friends advised him to "crash" on prostitutes. He did, but he immediately regretted it. He felt dirty with them. There was no love in these kind of relationships. Just sex.

Truth be told Dylan loved sex. But he also wanted to love. Plus prostitues caused him a ton lot of money and he had to be VERY careful so as not to be seen. His reputation was already hanging by a thread, due to the cheating incident of his ex.

So instead of felling alone or falsely loved he drunk. And he drunk A LOT! As a result he frequently got hangovers and memory loss.

-What happened last night? Dylan wondered again. While walking towards the bathroom.

- Well not that it matters anyway he said loudly as he turned the water on. He needed a cold shower befor going to work.

Today they were filming the first scene for the upcoming movie: The Death Cure. This would be the last and most emotional movie from The Maze Runner series. Dylan apart from reading the script and learning it by heart, he'd also read the book, so as to capture his character as good as possible. It wasn't known but he was a perfectionist when it came to his job.

He put on a green long sleeved shirt (his favorite) and some good old fashioned blue jeans and headed towards the entrance to his house. A car was there, waiting to pick him up.

Arriving at the set, Dylan saw the other Maze Runner cast members he'd befriended ever since he starred at the first movie of the Maze Runner series. Aml, Ki Hong, Kaya, Dexter all were ready to shoot the dirt scene.

- Thomas is missing, Dylan thought.

Why did he notice that?

I mean sure, having the only blond actor missing on the first day of shooting, was easy to notice, but Dylan knew this wasn't the reason he'd noticed his absence.

Thomas has been helping Dylan out a lot with his recent break up. He was always the one who would help him get out of the pubs or clubs he wouls smash in. Always finding the right words to comfort him before Dulan went to sleep. Generally Thomas was always there when Dylan needed him.

Dylan had noticed that Thomas was a lot like the character he was playing from the Maze Runner series, Newt. Always the one who fixed everything. The "glue" as he was called.

-Where's Tommy? Dylan asked, immediately after noticing Thomas's absence.

- That's what I would like to know as well. A voice came behind Dylan. It was Wes, the producer.

- Has anyone talked with him?

-Haven't seen him since yesterday night, when we left the club, said Kaya.

- He and Dylan went home together. I mean Thomas CARRIED Dylan to his house.

- He did? Dylan thought.

- He is not home though , Aml said.

- I called him this morning since he was not answering his cell.

- Then where the Hell is he? Wes shouted.

- This is the first scene people! Millions are at stake here!

-Wes why don't we just shoot the "no Newt" scenes today? Dylan asked.

-I mean Thomas must have a pretty serious reason for not showing up.

Wes frowned and eye roller Dylan.

- Fine he finally said. Lets take it from scene 46.


After a day full of acting, Dylan was exhausted so he decided to head home, take a shower and call it a day.

- What about going to see if Thomas is ok? His brain asked.

- Not now dude, Dylan said. I'm really REALLY tired. I'll see him tomorrow anyway.

And with these thoughts he went home to sleep, his head still throbing from the hangover.

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