Untitled Part 2

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4:00 am


No answer.

Dylan had just woken up from a nightmare. So he'd decided to call Thomas. His voice always calmed him down somehow.


- Come on Tommy.... Please.

Please? Dylan found himself begging? This was a first.

But he didn't really care.

Right now all he needed was Thomas to help him out.

He needed to see he was alive.


Well yeah Dylan's nightmare was about the death of Thomas.

More specifically Newt. In the final chapters of the Death Cure the favorite character of most fans, Newt, dies.

Dylan did dream that scene, but in his dream Thomas was the one dying, and he couldn't do anything about it.

He kept turning and sweating in his sleep and eventually woke up from his own screaming.

Dylan hated nightmares. Especially when they were about a dear friend of his.

He tried to steady his breathing that was growing sharper as time passed and Thomas wasn't replying.

- Come on!! PICK UP!! Dylan shouted on the phone, but to no use.

His eyes became teary.

- Please Tommy. Please....

He was losing it. Dylan started breathing really fast and his chest started feeling heavy.

- Panic attack. He thought. He's had severeal of those ever since he broke up with Britt.

He quickly put on a shirt and jeans and got in his car.

Driving helped with that kind of situations. That's what Thonad had told him.

And it did! His breathing became more steady! After a couple of miles, Dylan decided to go and visit Thomas's house. You know, to check out he is not dead.

Dylan knew he was overreacting , but he just couldn't shake these thoughts out of his head.

He soon reached Thomas's apartment. Dylan got out of his car and knocked on the door.

- Thomas! Thomas! he called.

No answer.

Dylan tried again.

- Tommy come on, open up! I just wanna know if you're ok!

- It's 4:00 am! A voice shouted from an apartment nearby.


Dylan payed no attention to the man, and kept on knocking.

Suddenly he recalled that Thomas always put his keys, behind the mail box.

Wait? Where did he knew that from?

- Not now! He told himself.

He searched for the keys but they weren't there.

This made no sence!

Thomas didnt' have a spare key, so he must have been inside. So why didn't he answer the door?

- Did I say something insulting to him, while I was drunk, last night? Dylan wondered.

- Thomas come on, I know you're inside. Just talk to me dude! Please I need somebody to talk to. Whatever happened just tell me dude!

A sob was heared heared from inside Thomas's house.

- Dude? Tommy are you crying?


It was Thomas, that was for sure, but his voice was full of pain. Deep and cracked. He has been crying for sure.

- Dude let me help you! Dylan tried.

- You've been there for me now let me be here for you.


Dylan realized that this was going nowhere. Thomas probably wanted his privacy for now.

He respected that. He respected his friend, so he decided to leave.

As much as he wanted to talk he had a movie to shoot tommorow and he has only slept for 2 hours.

So he figured a few more hours of sleep would be important.

As he headed home he tried to understand what has caused these beautiful blue eyes to tear. Thomas always looked so happy.

No melancholy in his eyes, no pain, just a genuine spark in them. That's probably why Dylan had come to like Thomas so much.

His smile seemed to brighten every "dark" day Dylan had.

He didn't even know how that was possible. Perhaps Thomas was an angel.

- Yeah, an angel on earth, Dylan joked.

An with these thoughts Dylan O' Brien went to sleep.

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