Untitled Part 9

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- Please Tommy. Please.

- Kill me. If you've ever been my fiend, kill me.

It was 2:00 pm and Dylan was trying to remember his lines. He had just frozen in front if the golden haired actor.

- CUT!! Dylan your lines!! Wes shouted!

- What yhe fuck is wrong with you today?!

- I... Dylan wiped his years away.

- Nothing, sorry.

It was a good thing that he was filming the "Death of Newt" today.

This particular scene required a lot of tear-jerking from the young actor. So, since today was Dylan's worst day ever, the crying part came naturally.

He couldn't believe what he'd done!

Dylan knew what he saw wa not a dream. Everything was WAY too familiar.

He had literally fucked everything up!! He'd provoked his best friend, then kissed him and eventually hit him!

Dylan wanted to crawl in a dark corner and die.

Every time he thought about what he'd some tears were forming in hue eyes.

Not only because he'd hit Thomas, but also because he didnt remember the blond's kiss.

Truth was he had a crush on him eversince they'd met...

Dylan knew Thomas would never feel the same, so he'd shut these weird feelings inside of him and he always pretended.

Pretended that he liked girls.

Pretended that he was happy.

Pretended that he only saw Thomas as a friend.

Pretended that he was mad after their kiss...

Dylan wished he wasn't such a jerk. He just didn't want Thomas to find out qbout his feelings. Unfortunately this urge was so strong that he'd hurt him in the process of trying.

- OK! Lets take 5 everyone! Said Wes inturrupting Dylan's thoughts.

- Dyl what's up? Asked Kaya.  Wanna talk? I can tell Wes to give you today off, if you'd like.

- No... No, I'm ok. Thanks Kaya.

Five minutes passed and everyone was back to continue  the shooting.

- Kill me. If you've ever been my friend, kill me. Said Thomas.

Dylan pulled the trigger of the fake gun he was holding and Thomas fell on top of him playing dead.

- I'm sorry Tommy... I'm so sorry.... I'm such a liar...

- O'Brien?! What the hell are you talking about? These aren't your lines! Shouted Wes.

Dylan payed no attention to the older man and continued.

- I never meant to hurt you. I never wanted to say those things. I... I was drunk and I just didnt want you to know...

Dylan was now crying do hard he could barely see.

Thomas was just looking at him without saying a word.

- Can somebody please explain to me, what is going on? Whispered Wes.

- Wes! Shush! Said Kaya. Can't tou see they got a situation?!

- OK EVERYONE! OUT! OUT!! said Wes when he realized what was happening.

Everyone silently walked out and left Dylan and Thomas, (that seemed to pay no attention to them), in the middle of the set.

After everyone had left Thomas spoke.

- You didn't want me to know what?

- That...Dylan just stayed silent, looking down.

This was his biggest secret. The only thing he hasn't told anyone but himself.

- That what O'brien? Thomas softly demanded.

- That... I am madly in love with you... Since the day we've met...I just know you'd hate me if I told you... And I didn't want to lose my best friend...

- This doesn't change what you did, Dylan.

Thomas got up and turned to leave, but Dylan caught his hand.

- Please...I'm not asking you to forgive me...I'm asking you to understand.

- Idiot... Said Thomas turning towards Dylan, tears steaming down his face.

- You hid it too well...

And with these words Thomas kneeled and hugged Dylan tight.

They stayed like that for a couple if minutes. Both crying and not wanting to let go.

Dylan knew that this might be the last time he'd ever get to be this close to Thomas. The dude was probably hugging him because he pittied him.

Then, suddenly, he heared Thomas mumble something.

- I love you too...

Dylan thought he'd misheard. Those three word were the only ones he never excepted to hear form Thomas.

- W...What? He asked utterly confused.

- I said... I love you too O'Brien.

- You... You mean as a friend?

The young actor could not believe what was happening.

- No stupid! I mean as a guy... Said Thomas, his cheeks flushed.

- So... You don't hate me?

- Dude! I can't even stay mad at you ! How could I hate you?

Dylan let out a sharp laughing sound that was cut off by Thomas cupping his face.

- You'll just have to promice me one thing. Said the blond.

- Anything! Replied Dylan captivated

- Never lie to me again!!

- You bet! Said Dylan as he leaned in and softly kissed his beloved blond angel.

Now last nights events seemed like a bad dream.


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