chapter 2

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The door opens and I stare at the bewildered faces of my parents.

My mother's eyes are ringed in red, bags under them told me she hadn't gotten much sleep. My father looks emotionless, like the second doctor.

"Mum?" I say.

She flinches when she hears my voice. She sits nervously on the edge of the bed.

"Mum?" I repeat. I reach forward and our hands touch. She pulls her hand away and gives a pained expression.

"Nina? Is-is" She stammers.

I nod curtly. "It's me. Strange, isn't it?" I force out a laugh.

My dad looks away, turning his back to me. He can't stand the sight of me...or it.

The body.

The silence is unbearable. "So..." I can't find the words.

"How are you?" My mum says. I secretly thank her for breaking the silence.

"I' normal as I can be.." I stop. It is their fault I am like this. Anger flares up inside me.

"Why did you do this?" I bark.

My mum lowers her eyes. "We had to, honey, or else you would be..."

"Dead. I'd be dead. You know what? I'd rather be dead than...this!"

My words are true.

"Don't say that." My dad finally speaks.

"I can say what I want. This isn't fair." I snap.

"LIFE ISN'T FAIR!" He barks.

That's me silenced. I notice that my mum is crying. Tears spill over her cheeks, leaving damp spots on the bedsheets.

Shortly after they get up and leave. My dad doesn't say anything. He's the first to walk out. My mum follows, her shoulders shaking. She turns back to look at me, her face red and blotchy.

"Nina. I-I...Bye," she croaks.

The door shuts behind them.

All I can feel is numbness.

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