chapter 9

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I wake up and realise with a sinking feeling that it is Aiden's last day.

I open the drawer of my chest of drawers and pull out a small velvet-covered black box.

I open it up. Inside there is a purple armband with the words Good Luck, Aiden stencilled onto it. I close the box, and meet up with Dustin in the garden.

"Where's Aiden?" I say, eager to see him.

Dustin smiles. "In his room. I locked the door."

I smile.

Dustin pulls something out of his pocket. It's a mini lava lamp keyring.

"I didn't know what else to get him. I could'nt get him a cake.."

I nod and turn the tiny keyring over and over in my hands. Then I hand it back to Dustin and show him the armband.

"Good idea," he says. We walk into the LifeTech building and search for Dustin's room. It is on the third floor.

Room 207. The gold lettering on the door has been polished to a perfect shine.

Dustin unlocks the door and pushes it open.

"SURPR--" he starts to shout. Then he stops.

I peer into the bedroom, trying to see what he is gawping at. I wish I hadn't.

Auden is kissing a girl. A human girl.

He stops when he sees Dustin, then he sees me. He pinches the bridge of his nose with his fingers.

"I was going to give you this, since you're leaving today, but I don't think you deserve any good luck." I throw the box at him and he catches it, opens the box, and shakes his head.

"Who's this, Aiden?" the girl says. She's beautiful. She has shoulder length black wavy hair, and dark brown eyes. She looks confusedly at me, at Dustin, at Aiden, and at the armband.


"It's Nina. She's an E-Lite. I met her two weeks ago. She's a friend  of mine."

A friend?!

"Aiden, you've made it perfectly clear to me that we're more than friends," I snap. "Who are you?" I stare at the girl.

She stares back, bewildered. "I'm Chloe. Aiden's girlfriend."

Anger rises up within me. "Well, Aiden's been cheating on you. With me."

With that, I storm off down the hallway, not even bothering to see her reaction.

 The shouts follow me down the corridor. Chloe's cries and Aiden trying to reassure her. Dustin shouting at both of them.


There are three knocks on the door. Dustin's type of knock.

I sit up and rub my eyes, opening the door.

Dustin gives me a small smile that doesn't reach his eyes.

"I'm sorry," he says. He reaches in for a hug. I return it and pull away.

"What are you sorry for? It's Aiden's fault," I say.

"I know. He was well..out of order."

"Oh well, stuff happens," I shrug. I'm not going to get upset over an idiot like Aiden.

Dustin's eyes bore into mine. We lean in to kiss, when there's a loud knock on the door.

I step back, embarrased at what I was about to do.

Dustin opens the door. Standing there with a scrunched up angry face is Chloe.

"Aiden's told me about you. You lying, scheming bitch," she says in a low tone. She pushes me back onto the bed.

"Can you feel it?" she mocks.

I sit up, determined not to let her get to me.

"He hasn't actually told you what really happened, has he?" I ask.

"I'll believe him any day over a plastic Barbie doll," she sneers.

She smiles triumphantly when she sees I am hurt.

"Chloe, leave Nina alone, she didn't.." Dustin starts. He stands awkwardly to the side not knowing what to do.

"This is none of your business, robo-boy, this is between me and that."

"Leave me alone. As far as I'm concerned you're welcome to Aiden. Too bad he's a lying cheat," I say.

She slaps me across the face. A hard slap. It hurts but after a while there is just a tingle.

"I'm not gonna sink as low as you," I retort.

"Slapping a machine?" she sneers.

I can't take it anymore. I grab her hair and throw her to the ground. She gets up, her hands curling into fists.

"Oi, girls," Dustin steps between us.

"Chloe, get out," he says.

Chloe opens her mouth then closes it and walks out.

"Bye, Barbie," she says. flicking her hair behind her.

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