chapter 6

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I look up from my book. Aiden is standing across the running track, waving at me. An unfamiliar boy stands beside him. That must be Dustin, I think.

I get up off the bench and walk over.

"Dustin, right?" I say, shaking his hand. He nods.

Dustin has dark hair and dark blue green eyes the colour of the ocean.

He squints. "You're......."

"Nina, her name's Nina," Aiden says, punching him playfully on the shoulder.

"Right. Well, it's nice to meet you, Nina? Aide, here, has been telling me great things about you.." He smiles.

"My name's Aiden, not Aide. And I haven't been talking about you, Nina. I just told him I'd met you," Aiden says, shooting Dustin an indignant look.

"So, you're the first girl, right?" Dustin asks.

I nod.

"Well, Aiden and I are just going to have to fight over you, then. That is, unless, a human will agree to this.." he motions at his body. He wears a brown leather jacket and dark jeans.

I laugh politely. "So, where do you get clothes to fit you?"

Aiden raises an eyebrow. "You don't know? You should ask Esther. And she'll give you some."

"Good ol' Esther!" Dustin laughs.

"Where can I find her?" I say, eager to wear something other than the stupid LifeTech uniform.

"That building over there," Dustin points to a small blue coloured building.

"See ya." I say, skipping in that direction.

"Whoa. Going so soon?" Dustin says, giving me a puppy-dog look.

"Yes. I need some retail therapy," I joke.

"Well, how about we meet up for dinner, say, seven pm?" Aiden buts in.

"Ok, which building?" I say, feeling stupid.

"You don't know where anything is..?" Dustin rolls his eyes. "The red bricked one, near the stream."

"Alright. See you then," I say, waving them goodbye.

I walk off towards the building and the automatic door slides open. The room is small but bright and colourful. Each wall is a different colour and rainbow patterns are painted on the ceiling. Rails of clothing lie around, along with several display cabinets of hats, bags and other accessories.

"Hello?" I call.

In a few seconds, a plump, red cheeked woman appears out of a door.

"Oh, hello Nina! I was expecting you. My name's Esther," Her blonde curly hair bounces around her shoulders.

Her heels click on the tiled floor as she goes over to a rail and rifles through it.

She pulls out a white dress covered in fabric daisies.

"Oh, it's beautiful," I stroke the soft material.

"You can try it on in there," Esther says, pointing to a door.

I step into the changing room, closing the door behind me.

When I'm finished, I can't believe how I managed to walk around in that tracksuit everywhere.

The dress is strapless and flares out in the skirt. Daises cover it completely. They look as real as the flowers I saw in the garden.

When I walk out, Esther claps her hands together.


I smile, and she goes over to a filing cabinet, pulling out white flip-flops with a simply daisy attached to the straps.

I slip them on, marvelling at the comfort.

"Thanks so much," I say.

Esther smiles, her green eyes twinkling. "No bother."

Before I go, she hands me a bag filled with different outfits and my LifeTech tracksuit.

For a moment, I feel like me again.

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