chapter 11

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This is it.

My leaving day. It's finally here.

I packed the last of Esther's stuff in my duffle bag, and straightened out a crease in the duvet of the bed. I looked in the mirror, at my fake reflection. My perfect reflection. The reflection that many girls- I'm sure- would die for.

I already did die for it.

I pulled up my hair into a bun, zipped up my black leather jacket, tied up the laces on my shoes, fastened my bag.

And waited.

And waited.

And waited....

Dustin walked through the door, a smile on his face that didn't quite reach his eyes.

"Hi," he whispered, sitting beside me on the bed.

"Hi," I replied.

We sat there for a while, in silence. It wasn't awkward silence, it was just nice silence- the kind of silence that there is before you go to sleep or when you're on a lilo in the pool.

"Nina...I.." he started.

I turned to face him, startled to find that his bright eyes were looking at me sadly.

"What I want to" He looked at the ground. "I don't want you to go."

I raised an eyebrow. "Believe me, part of me wants to stay here, but I want to try to get back to normality, if that's possible."

He sighed. "Well, I....."

His eyes burned into mine, and they moved down to my lips.

"Can I..?" he murmured, as he leaned forwards, taking my head inclination as a yes.

I turned my head at the last moment, chickening out.

"Dustin, I've got to go," I whispered.

He nodded and patted my arm as I stood up, putting my bag over my shoulder.

"Bye," I said, feeling so guilty as I gazed at his confused face.

I walked out the door without looking back, and ran down the corridor, an invisible lump forming in my throat. 


So what do you think?

If you have any ideas, of what happens next. I will be happy to use your ideas...

Ta! x

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