chapter 4

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Not Alive or Dead. 

"Can we finish now?" I say, gripping on to the bar.

"Just a few more steps," says Peter.

I groan and hold on to the bar tighter. Tentatively, I take a step. Then another. And another. And I'm walking. Just like that.

"Good. You've got it. Now try running."

I let go of the bar. I walk faster until I am jogging, my legs kicking up behind me.

"Good. Good," Peter encourages, a smile forming on his face.

I run faster, and now I'm sprinting down the track. Peter runs alongside me, pushing me until I reach the finish.

"You've got it!" he says, triumphant. He looks pleased with himself. His hazel eyes sparkle in the sunlight.

"Can we finish now?!" I moan.

He nods, satisfied with my performance. I walk off to the LifeTech building and take the lift up to my room.

It is a large room. It has a bed, a desk with a computer on it, and an empty wardrobe. My parents left a bag of clothes when they visited - but none of them fit.

All I have are the clothes I was provided with. A matching navy vest, jacket and tracksuit bottoms inscribed with the LifeTech logo. I have also been given plain trainers which have the eye stitched onto them. The LifeTech eye is constantly staring at me.

I don't need any other clothes, really. It's not like I get dirty. I don't need cleaned.

I open the window and let a little air in.

I lie down on the thermo-mat at the bottom of my bed and do a few stretches. The sun is starting to go down. I look out of the window at the orange-red sky. It is beautiful.

I watch until all the light has drained from the sky. As darkness descends, I hook myself up to the charging machine via an opening in my wrist and put myself on what I call sleep-mode. Others, like Peter and Dr. Benson, call it standby.

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