Chapter 4: "The Undeniable Protection"

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(Reader-chan's P.O.V )

I walked through the halls of my school. I was sweating my ass off because I was wearing a jacket that I took from (Friend's name), though he doesn't know it yet.

Last night dad came into my room, around 11: 30, and gave me the annual 'I'm drunk and mad at the world, so I'm going to take it out on you' beating. These usually come about once a month and when they come I can't walk (or move for that matter) for a while, it's not that I'm not used to it it's more along the lines of I don't want anyone to know, especially (friends name). I have bruises up my arms in the shapes of hands and I have a bruise across my neck and and couple down my abdomen.

"Hey (F/n)" (Friend's name) walked up to me and began talking "so about yesterday--"

"I said it was fine, don't worry about it" the two of us walked towards our home room.

"Not that. You said you'd give me more information on the fact that you were kidnapped by the Touou family!" he practically yelled

"What?!" Some of the students overheard our conversation, it was harder to ignore (Friend's name) that to listen to him.

"It wasn't that big of a deal" I said walking into the class room and sitting in my designated seat.

"Come on, Touou's boss is so scary! Aomine Daiki, the 'Black Nightmare', he can smell you from a mile away and then BANG your head is off!" One of the male students that over heard me said with arm movements to exaggerate his words.

"He is quite terrifying" I said putting my books down "all of Touou is terrifying actually." I smiled "But the King wasn't that scary" when I said King I got every ones attention, the whole class was circled around me "the King wanted to protect me, he was going to give up on the war to keep me safe. But then the Seirin family stepped in" I told the tale until the teacher walked in and everyone dispersed.

The class began like any normal class. The teacher stood up at the front of the room and started blabbering about how much they thought the subject would pertain to life.

Then all of a sudden I hear a 'whoosh'. Like someone ran past me at mock 10. I looked around and got nothing. I looked towards the front of the room, and caught glimpse of a shadow.

What is that?

I squint my eyes to the front as if I could see better with my eye lids closer together.

That's when I saw him.

The 'Eagle Eye '.

He stared me down as if trying to glue me to my seat with a glance. He wore the insignia of the Seirin family on his right shoulder. His eyes and hair matched with a black cold ash color.

He was hiding behind the teachers podium. When he realized I noticed him he disappeared.

Why is Seirin watching me? The 'Eagle Eye', to be specific. The Seirin family only sent out the 'Eagle Eye' if someone was in extreme danger. Which I'm pretty sure I'm not in.

I was cautious until the last bell of the day rang. Then I became paranoid.

"Hey (f/n)" (Friend's name), practically, shouted right into my ear making me jump out of my skin.

"AHHH!" I screamed in a high pitch as I jumped forward and spun around

"Woah" he put his hands out as if worried "What's got you jumpy?"

"Have you ever had those days where you fell like some one is watching you?" I began to ask him as we headed out of the school building.

"Ya. It doesn't help that one of the mobs in this town is known for their stealth, either" He said with a sigh. We both got out almost to the gate of the school that's when I heard the two voices arguing.

"She will be going with me, Daiki" a calm and demanding voice said

"Like hell she is! The woman is going to come with me!"

I looked up, to the owner of the voices and froze in my place.

"(F/N)?" (Friend's name) asked as he looked at me in confusion

"It's you!" Aomine Daiki, the boss of the Touou family shouted so that everyone could hear him. He pointed directly to me. Akashi Seijuro, the boss of the Rakuzan family stood beside him, looking less than pleased that Aomine shouted.

The two raced towards me, as if they were junior high students rushing to get to their lunch table first.

"I-I-I-I---" (Friend's name) was in shock. He was standing beside me stuttering 'I' over and over again.

"What the hell do you two want?" I asked as they reached us. I got a look of disbelief from (Friend's name) that I talked to them like that.

"I want to escort you home" they both said

"She's coming home with me!" Aomine called

"To do what, become another one of your women?" Akashi retorted "I'm taking her home, we idolize women and we'll know how to take care of her. Leo will play with her hair while Chihiro listens to her talk on and on about her day"

"That sounds ridiculous!" Aomine exclaimed with his hands in the air "she doesn't need pampering, she just needs a strong man's arms around her"

The two were bickering like five year old's.

"How about" I cut into their discussion "I just walk home with (Friend's name), like I do everyday"

"You can't, I won't allow it" Akashi said in an angry tone.

"You won't allow it?" I repeated

"It is our job to keep you safe" Aomine intervened

"First off, since when do you two even think about working together and Secondly who, the fuck, told you I need protecting?" I paused for an answer that I knew I didn't want "it doesn't matter, I'm going to my house. Thank you though" I said then dragging (Friend's name) pass the two and onto the side walk.

(Friend's name) was walking beside me, he was still in a little bit of a daze that we ran into those two at our school. He just looked at the ground, I had to steer him back on course a few times.

"(F/N)---?" He began "how...we're you so calm? I mean you were calm when the King was going to chop us both up yesterday, and you were calm just then when the two most powerful mob bosses were fighting over who'd take you home, I mean they almost started another war over you."

"I have no idea. I'm just calm in those types of situations." I said looking at the ground. I was quiet for a little, the two of us agreed to take the upper road so that we could talk more, or just be with each other longer "I don't need protection." I broke the silence


"I don't need men fighting over who's going to protect me. That's the last thing I need right now." I said and then let out a big sigh "Seirin sent out the 'Eagle Eye' to watch over me and then the two bosses of Rakuzan and Touou are saying they need to watch me. I'm so pissed that they think I'm so weak that I need protection." I crossed my arms in aggravation.

"I don't think you're weak" (Friend's Name) said "A-And I doubt they think that either. They are probably thinking that they want to be around you just in case something were to go down that you weren't able to handle, that they'd be there to help you. Because if you were kidnapped by another mob and I wasn't beside you and had to rush to your side to help and not make it in time...I'd blame myself until I died." (Friend's Name) was shaking a little, like he was actually concerned about me "(F/N)" he said in a low voice "Take one of them up on your offer, promise?" I tilted my head in confusion "You have to promise me that you'll have one of the strongest men in the city protect you!" He grabbed my shoulders making me twitch in pain with how tight his grip is "With them on the prowl I can't protect you like I should, I need to know that you're safe (F/N)!" He looked like he was about to cry.

"I promise, (Friend's Name). Okay? I promise to take up one of their offers to protect me" I said, a little sad that I made my best friend, since elementary, cry in front of me. I patted his head and then we held hands all the way to my house, where he left me for the night.

Apparently, that was a bad idea.

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