Chapter 12: "Plan A" (Part 2)

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~Last time on 'The Destiny's of the Six King's'~ (Narrator P.O.V)

"Shuzo?!" Aomine called "Nijimura Shuzo?!"

"Who else would it be?"

"Nijimura would never"


"You've exceeded everyone's expectations, Daiki" Nijimura said as the two's swords clashed together, creating sparks,

"What the hell did Hanamiya do to you?" Aomine said under his breath.


"Kise, don't!" Katsumatsu went to stop Kise, but he had already jumped towards Seto.

"Kise!" Aomine called after him.

Seto smiled as Kise decided to engage him "Are we really going to do this again, Kise?" Seto commented,

"This time it's just you and me!" Kise said his jaw clenched in anger.


"Today's horoscope didn't look so good for Cancer's, Shin-chan" Takao said as the two watched over the Akashi Mansion from the roof.

"I'm trying to forget about that" Midorima looked down at the gate, his eyes locked on it for some reason.


"TAKAO!" Midorima called as his right hand man fell to the ground choking on his own blood that was pooling in his mouth

"Otsubo, get the kit!" He called to one of his men "Stay with me Takao"

"I-It....h-hit the A-Aortic Arch"

"Shit" Midorima said as he began to disrobe Takao's top half, "OTSUBO, THE KIT!"

"S-Shin....taro" Takao extended his arm and cupped Midorima's cheek, his hand was shaking

"Not right now, Otsubo will be here with the kit and you'll be fine" Midorima grabbed Takao's hand. He looked at Takao waiting for a response, waiting for a snarky remark, a joke....anything. "T-Takao?" Midorima looked around, and saw the giant puddle of blood surrounding him and Takao. "T-Takao..." Midorima felt Takao's neck for a pulse, and did not exist.


"I wonder how many more are going to die because of one woman...."


"Time of death.... 19:04" Midorima watched as some of his other men carry out Takao's lifeless body. Midorima stared down at the stains on his body and the ground below him. His hands shook with the fear and the realization of the loneliness that he was about to experience for the rest of his live.

"Mido-chin" Atsushi began "We have to warn the others that they got (f/N)-chin's friend"

"I'll tell Kagami and Izuki we have to step out for a bit" Midorima reluctantly got up and walked out of the room. He headed down the halls, his clothing and hands still coated in Takao's blood. When he reached the door he slowly knocked twice.

"Who?" Kagami's threatening voice came from behind the door

"Midorima Shintaro," He took a breath "Murasakibara and I are stepping out for a bit, we have to go tell the others something of important value"

"Alright" Kagami said threw the door

Midorima and Atsushi left, just the two. They decided with all the shit going on that they better sick together, they first went to tell Akashi.


"I swear I don't know anything!" A man sat tied to a chair, his face bruised and bleeding and Haizaki's hand red from continuous impacts.

"We've been doing this for over two hours" Haizaki sounded a little sad.

"I'll give you one last chance" Akashi flashed his glare toward the man, his eyes practically glowed with anger "I know you know where the back entrance to the 'King of Uncrowned Kings' HQ is" Akashi moved his weapon to the man's chest "if you know where they are and don't tell us, your dead--"

"And if I do tell you I'm still dead, right?" The man interrupted Akashi's sentance

"That depends on the information given" Akashi said with a completely stoic face.

"Akashi" Midorima walked threw the doors of the room, his clothing unchanged and Atsushi by his side.

"What the hell happened to you?" Akashi asked

"The 'Abominations' came after (F/N)'s friend" Atsushi said with a worried yet unemotional face "and they got him"

"Haizaki you take care of him" Akashi motioned to the man tied up in the chair "We are going to go help Daiki and Ryota and get into that labyrinth"


Kise fell back to the ground, his breathing rapid and his body bruised and battered.

"Kise you have to stop this, this is just insanity" Katsumatsu tried to prevent his leader from going back to fight with Seto, who was clearly stronger than Kise.

"Katsumatsuchii...." Kise said as he slowly got up wincing at every movement "I'll be fine, it'll be like in those awesome fighting shows where even though the hero is tired he tries his best and prevails" Kise jumped back up where Seto stood, gladly awaiting Kise's arrival

"Kise!" Katsumatsu called "This isn't some shitty show where the hero wins, this is real life!"

"Katsumatsu" Aomine said standing after Sakurai patched him up "It's Kise, He'll be fine" Aomine kicked up his shotgun and caught it, he pointed the barrel dead center to Nijimura's head. Aomine followed Nijimura's erratic movements as he contemplated shooting his old companion. "Shit" Aomine was just about to lunge when a flash of red, green, and Purple appeared in front of him.

"Daiki?" Akashi looked at the wound in his shoulder and then around the battle feild

"Short version, Nijimura has changed thanks to Hanamiya, and Kise is trying to fight Seto but loosing" Aomine said staring at the three.

Kise came hurtling back towards the group. His body crashed right next to Atsushi.

"Ryota, stand down" Akashi said as he pulled out his old fashioned katana.

Akashi and Seto stood, staring each other down having a silent battle at first. Akashi's stance flawless and his katana ready to slice his enemy down. He moved quick, approaching Seto.

Everyone felt the pressure and intense aura, this was the moment that made it very clear why Akashi was --and is still known--as the 'King'.

With one swift moment Akashi sliced Seto's jugular, killing him instantly. Seto's body flopped down the mountain of bodies like a slinky.

Akashi rejoined the group down below.

Kis just stared at Akashi. The man that Kise had been trying to defeat for an hour, at least, Akashi had cut down in less than one minute.

Akashi opened his mouth ready to say something, but he was interrupted.

"Welcome, Akashi~" Nijimura began to walk over to Akashi.

"Shuzo" Akashi turned to look at his old leader/ comrade. Behind Nijimura was the lifeless body of a defeated Wakamatsu, his eyes looking to the sky as if he was saying his last 'good bye' to the world.

"Lets play like old times, eh Akashi?" Nijimura dragged his blade on the ground as he walked closer and closer to Akashi. "Unlike before, this time is going to end in my favor"

"You four get into the labyrinth" Akashi demanded "Save (F/N), and her friend, and return. I'll deal with Shuzo".

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