Chapter 8: "Capture" (Part 1)

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~Last chapter on 'The Destinies of the Six Kings'~ (Reader-chan's P.O.V)

"What the hell are you doing here Seto?" Kise asked

"Seto?" I looked at the man, he seemed harmless and a little kind. His brownish-black hair was slicked back and revealed a mole dead center on his fore head. He wore a green Yukata [A/N: A Yukata is a casual summer Kimono.] Which has a black granule affect from the shoulder down, making it look a little like he was bleeding.

"Hello" His voice was calm, and a little soothing

"What the hell are you here for?" Katsu repeated Kise's question

"The 'Uncrowned king' would like me to pick up his Princess. Then he will rightfully have the throne that was taken from underneath him" Seto started to slowly walk towards the three of us.

"Why (F/N)?" Kise asked "Hanamiya said that he was waiting for the most manipulative girl to be his Queen, the most terrible and awful woman in existence....the only girl that could stand his insane actions and erratic thoughts. That is not (F/N)" Kise said protecting me with his whole body

"No it's not" Seto smiled "At least, not yet"

"You are not getting her" Yukio pulled the trigger of the gun in his left hand. The gun shot was followed by a horrible eerie sound of something being deflected. Shielding Seto was another one of the 'Abominations', that was what the 'King of Uncrowned king's' minions were called. He had grayish-white hair and sticking out of his mouth was.... gum?

"I think we will be" A man fell from one of the roof tops around, his eyes were dull and fish-like.

"Shit" Katsu said trying to point his weapon at all of them

"Call it Katsu" Kise said as he lunged forward to attack the three

"Right sir!" Katsu said as he fumbled through his shirt and grabbed out a yellow flare and shot it up into the sky. "We have to get you to safety" Katsu said as he picked my up, threw me over his shoulder, and ran in to opposite direction of Kise.

"Wait! No!" I called out, I reached toward Kise "We can't just leave him!" I began to squirm

"His orders were clear" I heard Katsu, his voice was different

Is he crying?

"The goal is to keep you safe" Katsu said rubbing his eyes with his free hand

Shit he is crying! But why?

I thought about it a little while I stared at Kise, his amazing fighting skills. He copied many of their moves and dished it back 10 fold.

Wait! This decision must be hard on Katsu....I mean Kise is his boss and all but also Kise is his friend, the man who he has been with for several years. This must be the worst decision he has had to make....

I stopped squirming and just watched Kise fight the three. Then my stomach felt queasy, I felt like I saw something that wasn't there, my head began spinning.

Then it felt like a flash of light appeared and this red-brown haired guy showed up out of no where right behind Kise.

"KISE LOOK OUT!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

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