Chapter 11: "Plan A" (Part 1)

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(Narrator P.O.V)

Haizaki Shogo helped the group come up with a solid plan.

Aomine and Kise, accompanied with their entourage, would team up and go into the labyrinth and mark the ground, somehow, showing the way and hopefully make it through. While they do that (F/N)'s friend, Midorima, and Atsushi would wait at Akashi's mansion for orders if Kise and Aomine do make it through, and Akashi and Haizaki would go to the man that Haizaki believes knows another way to get into Hanamiya's hide out.

"Alright" Aomine and Kise headed out with their mobs best following them, and Akashi and Haizaki left, with just the two of them, to go talk to the 'source'.

"You haven't healed all the way" Katsumatsu said wanting Kise to stay behind

"I'll be fine" Kise smiled "I can't just let Aominechii fight without me" Kise ran beside Aomine, as best he could. As they neared the labyrinth Imoyoshi decided to scout ahead because he felt that something was off.

"Shit" Aomine looked at the entrance of the labyrinth which was blocked, not by rocks but by a mountain of bodies and a man sitting atop them. The man looked troubled and like he was far from right in the head. He rocked back and forth as he sheathed his weapon.

"We have company Shuzo" Seto appeared beside the man

"Shuzo?!" Aomine called "Nijimura Shuzo?!"

"Who else would it be?" Seto slowly began to walk down, crushing some of the weaker bodies as he went

"Nijimura would never" Kise called "He's, kind, considerate, and a gentleman!"

"I'll let you decide whether or not he could" Seto turned "Shuzo, King Makoto wants these men's heads"

"Th-Their friends...." Nijimura covered his ears as if trying to block out a voice "I-I can't..." He began to struggle "But I can't have them kick me out of this mob too...." Nijimura stood, his eyes cold and lifeless "You will pay" Nijimura slid down the bodies as if he were skiing down a snowy mountain. Nijimura jumped up into the sky, unsheathing his blade and fell ready to kill any in his way.

"What?!--" Kise tried to comprehend what was happening but Katsumatsu pushed him out of harms way before he could even finish a sentence.

Aomine took Wakamatsu's large katana and tossed him the shotgun. Aomine reluctantly ran into battle with his old friend.

"You've exceeded everyone's expectations, Daiki" Nijimura said as the two's swords clashed together, creating sparks

"What the hell did Hanamiya do to you?" Aomine said under his breath as he dodged attacks

"Probably the same thing he's doing to his new toy" Nijimura smiled as he went to attack Aomine again, Aomine was a little late dodging the very fast attack and the blade got launched into his right shoulder. With a cry and a fall Aomine held onto the other end of the weapon not wanting it to be removed because he knew that it would be worse out. Nijimura hummed as he tried to take the weapon out.

"Aomine!" Wakamatsu called as he kicked Nijimura to the side and went to his aid "Sakurai, heal him" Wakamatsu took his weapon back from Aomine and stood his ground as he protected his leader.

"Who the fuck are you?" Nijimura asked as he held his stomach and got up

"Aomine-san, are you alright?" Sakurai rushed to Aomine's side as Nijimura and Wakamatsu began their own battle.

"I could stand to be better" Aomine winced when Sakurai began to patch up his wound, "He's changed" Aomine said to Kise who was watching the battle in complete aw "He's a whole 'nother person now"

"Damn it all!" Kise said as he got his 'Fans of War' out

"Kise, don't!" Katsumatsu went to stop Kise, but he had already jumped towards Seto.

"Kise!" Aomine called after him.

Seto smiled as Kise decided to engage him "Are we really going to do this again, Kise?" Seto commented as he dodged Kise's attacks

"This time it's just you and me!" Kise said his jaw clenched in anger.

"I really hope the others are having an easier time than we are having" Katsumatsu said

"With their luck...I doubt it"


"Today's horoscope didn't look so good for Scorpio's or Cancer's, Shin-chan" Takao said as the two watched over the Akashi Mansion from the roof.

"I'm trying to forget about that" Midorima looked down at the gate, his eyes locked on it for some reason

"What's going on through that head of yours?" Takao asked as he lay on his back looking up to the sky

"Do you trust that friend of (F/N)'s? He's been giving me the creeps....even before earlier"

"He does seem a bit off, but it's not like he would team up with Hanamiya or anything...right?"

"I don't know" Midorima sat beside Takao, trying to chill out

"Mido-chin" A bored voice called up to the two

"What Murasakibara?"

"You might want to come and see what we just found"

"Found?" Takao and Midorima looked at each other and then headed down to look at what was found.

"Why the hell am I looking at old fashioned spying gear? They don't even make this stuff anymore." Midorima looked pissed beyond belief

"I found it in (F/N)-chin's friends bag" Midorima shot Atsushi a look of disbelief

"His Mansion always looked bigger from the outside" A voice shot itself in Midorima's ears.

The next thing the group knew a blade flew through Takao's back, exiting threw the left side of his chest. The blade stayed in Takao's chest for a while and was roughly pulled out.

"TAKAO!" Midorima called as his right hand man fell to the ground choking on his own blood that was pooling in his mouth

"Hara Kazuya and Yamazaki Hiroshi" Atsushi's voice sounded disgusted

"I came for the boy" Yamazaki wiped off his blade on his sleeve

"Takao, can you here me?" Midorima was in distress, tears streaming down his face.

"Found him" Matsumoto Itsuki stood behind them with the boy bound and knocked out draped over his back

"Then let's get out of here~" Hara said "Sorry for the intrusion~"

The three disappeared as fast as they appeared.

"Takao" Midorima called again

"S-Shin....-chan" Takao faintly responded

"Oh thank Kami! Otsubo, get the kit!" He called to one of his men "Stay with me Takao"

"I-It....h-hit the A-Aortic Arch"

"Shit" Midorima said as he began to disrobe Takao's top half,

"H-H-He...d-did a good...number...o-on me.."

"Takao, you need to stop talking, right now" Midorima said as his fingers hovered over the large wound "OTSUBO, THE KIT!" Blood was beginning to pool underneath Takao, it seemed that he would die at any moment.

"S-Shin....taro" Takao extended his arm and cupped Midorima's cheek, his hand was shaking

"Not right now, Otsubo will be here with the kit and you'll be fine" Midorima grabbed Takao's hand. He looked at Takao waiting for a response, waiting for a snarky remark, a joke....anything. "T-Takao?" Midorima looked around, and saw the giant puddle of blood surrounding him and Takao. "T-Takao..." Midorima felt Takao's neck for a pulse, and did not exist.

"Sir, the Kit...." Otsubo dropped the kit and fell to his ass in shock of the scene laid out before him

Midorima looked at the dead mass that was once his right hand man, his best fighter, his only friend. He wipped the tears from his cheeks with his blood stained hands. "I wonder how many more are going to die because of one woman...."

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