Chapter 2 (after school)

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Aleks POV

The day was finally over and I started to head to my locker, on my way I saw Eddie, I went up to him to ask him something.

"Hey Eddie" I said as I walked towards him

"What's up dude?" He responded as he turn to look towards me

"Can I ask you something?" I asked

"Sure what's up?" He looked at me with a confused look on his face

"Well umm....yeah well....I don't know what to wear know with what....Seamus said about not letting me in" I said in a nervous tone

"Don't worry abo...." I thought to myself maybe this is the chance to get him alone. I continues to say "I'll help you out if you want" I said sort if frighten he may reject the idea and call me gay or something.

"That'd be great" I responded happily. "Want to head out now?

"Yeah sure, let me just get something from my locker, I'll wait for you near your car"

----------------Eddie POV----------------

I ran towards my locker trying to compose myself, didn't want him to see me so happy and scare him off. I grabbed my stuff from my lockers and headed out the door, I saw Aleks parked in front of the school waiting for me, he waved me over and I walked towards him and got in the car.

We were jamming to some awesome tunes in the car, singing along and car dancing, I always made Aleks laugh when I busted a move in the car, before I knew it, we were at his place. He welcomed me and and showed me the way to his room, it was really nice and spacious. He had a bunch of band posters on his wall and a lot of video game posters.

"What you think?" He asked me

"Pretty awesome dude, I'm loving those poster." He responded

"Well the party isn't for a couple of hours, want to chill for a while before you help me pick out clothes?" He asked

I shrugged my shoulder and said "yeah sure"

He went to his drawer and threw me an Xbox controller, he turned on his Xbox and his tv. We began to play an arcade game named splosion man. It was completely team based but we kept fooling around and killing each other. Before we knew it, it was an hour before the party started.

After a long gaming session Aleks got up and said "it's getting close to the time we have to be at Seamus's places"

I nodded my head in agreement.

"So your going to help me pick something out? He asked I nodded once again.

He took me to his closet and showed me his clothes, he didn't have anything formal to wear then again this wasn't a formal party. He had a laid back chill kind of style, I like it a lot. Really fit him and his personality.

I saw this shirt at the end of the rack, it looked like a regular button down shirt but it had a hoodie and the hoodie string, I took it out and told him to put it on. I sat on his bed as he took of his shirt, I sat there in awe looking at his body but trying hard to hide it because I didn't want to make things weird, I always knew Aleks had tattoos but when he took his shirt off I felt more attracted to him with those tattoos, I wanted his body on top of mine. He didn't have a very built body because he was a skinny pale white guy but he had something going on, like a 4 pack. I like it....a lot. He put on the shirt and and began to button it up.

"Think it looks good?" He asked

"Yeah, it's does, suits you well" I told him, he turned around and I could see a wrinkled part on his shirt so I got up and tried to fix it for him but when I tried to he laughed.

"" he pleaded as he was laughing

"Ticklish I assume?" While laughing, I tried to tickle him again, he tried to push me but instead tripped and fell on me causing me to fall on the bed. We were both still laughing, but in my head it seemed like time slowed down, I looked right into his eyes and looking at his smile, I thought to myself "this is actually happening, I have alek on top of me right now, he is laughing and not even backing off" Aleks slowly began to stop laughing, he put hand on the bed and lifted himself up but not off me. I just kept smiling.

"Can I hear that giggle of yours again?" He asked so kindly

I began to giggle not e cause he asked but because he just always made me feel happy and giggly. He began to tickle me, and I began to giggle more. He had the biggest smile on his face.

I stared into his eyes and he stared into mines. He slowly leaned in for a kiss but before I could do anything it was over, he got off of me and what seemed to be embarrassed.

"I think you should go" he said shamefully

"But ..... I" and before I could finished he said "please just go" he put his head down and I got up and walked out.

Luckily Aleks didn't live far from Seamus's house so I walked to his house early feeling sad.

-------------End of chapter 2-------------

Hey guys lol I am loving my own story lol I don't mean to sound cocky but i think it coming out good, what do you guys think? Let me know :)

ImmortalHD Slyfox SsohPkcOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora