Chapter 14- Jason

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Hi ya! Sorry for late update but I was busy lately. :) Is that good enough excuse? (It's true though)

Anyway, I was reading my work from before and now and I notice a big difference. I was a complete amature with so many seplling mistakes and lately I have been better. Or not. Maybe it's just my imagination.

Also as I promised, you will find out what happened to the Greek and Roman(war). THe only thing is, I don't know when to fit in. Hmm......I'll figure somthing out. ^-^

I recommend reading "The summer of the magic quartet", even if it is slightly lower level reading skill but it has a good story plot.

Sorry About the longer then usual author's note, but I do have things to say and I have to tell someone........

Disclaimer:*Sigh* Nothing special: just the usual, I say I ain't RR, and then I sob for a little while, and that I start telling you the story.

 Forget rounds. I'm doing what fits in next for the POVs.

Jason XIV

Jason walked followed closely by Thalia and Frank. Frank was fiddling with the phone like device Leo gave everyone and Thalia was looking around admiring Paris.

Jason wanted so much to go alone on a walk with Piper around Paris. It was the city of love and with so much going on he hadn't been able to spend much time with her so he wanted to make it up. But of course, something had to ruin his plans. This time it was Coach.

Jason sighed. "Frank? Where do we go now?"

"We turn left at the next intersection, then keep going untill the vase shop comes." Frank replied. He looked like he had a lot on his mind, and Jason didn't want to make him feel uncomfortable and ask questions about it.

"I can't believe the vase shop has two five feet by five feet chunks of glass." Thalia said.

"Things are wierd these days." Frank commented.

"Jason?" A very familliar voice called. He stopped in his tracks. He turned around slowly.

"Reyna?" A shimmering wall of water held her picture.

"Yes. It's me Jason." Her voice held so much pain, it hurt to hear it. She had her armour on, and she was fully prepared for a battle. Her hair was braided and flipped to one side.

"An Iris message?" Thalia asked.

"Percy taught it to me." Reyna said lowering her head. "Is he there? Can I speak to him?"

"No." Jason said coldly. After what she had done, she was being so ignorant about it. And Percy was not a matter that he wanted to talk about.

"Look, I'm sorry but there's something important I need to tell you." Reyna said. Her expression had hardend and she had her leader like look on again.

"And that is?" Jason asked raising an eyebrow.

"The Romans had been attacking very reluctantly. Small attacks, not too harmful. But today Octavian has managed to convince them to lodge a fully-fledged attack and I couldn't stop him." Reyna explained.

"And why are you telling us this?" Jason asked.

"I just thought you would want to know." Reyna said, clearly hurt.

Frank sighed. "Why when the worst is happening, do we get more bad news?"

"Can't you do anything? You are praetor after all. You rule the camp, not Octavian." Thalia said.

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