Chatper 18- Jason

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Sorry for the mess up, okay? I know I posted the HoH on the wrong thing but I was busy and other things and it mixed up. So.....



Sorry about that. I know I haven't been updating but as stated above I had a huge end of the year project, so ya, blame my teacher.


Jason XVII

Jason wanted to punch something. Why did everyone bother him right when he was busy?

Nico walked on to the deck and Piper pulled away awkwardly. Jason sat up and cleared his throat. Nico looked at Jason.

"Oh sorry, am I interupting something?" Nico asked, smirking.

"It's fine." Piper said.

One by one, all the demigods piled up onto deck, and even Coach came. He eyed Piper and Jason suspiciously, but said nothing.

Leo came last, with a tray of coffee.

"Are you sure this is good for us? I mean, we are ADHD and all..." Jason remarked.

"Who cares? Drink away people!" Leo exclaimed, handing Jason a cup of steaming hot coffee.

Jason took a sip and immediately spit it out, coughing like crazy. It tasted terrible. Everyone else had pretty much the same reaction.

"April Fools!" Leo said, laughing his head off.

"It's not even April!" Thalia said, a murderous look in her eyes.

Leo took out another tray with coffee, or fake coffee.

"How stupid do you think we are? We're not going to fall for it again!" Nico exclaimed, guestering to the new tray.

"This is actual coffee." Leo stated, trying to keep a steady look.

Everyone eyed it suspiciously. "And how are we supposeed to trust you?" Jessica asked.

"You drink the coffee first." Piper said.

Leo hand robotically took the cup and he chugged down the entire thing.

"McLean!" Coach grunted.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to use charmspeak!" Piper defended.

When Leo snapped out of it, he looked fine, so everybody drank their coffee as well. Luckily, it was actual coffee.

"I swear Leo, I will get you back." Thalia said.

"I'm so scared." Leo said, mocking fear.

"LEO!" Thalia got up and chased Leo around the ship, holding her spear out to electrify him.

Everyone laughed, and Jason didn't feel so bad now. Leo came back, unharmed and hid behind Jason.

Thalia stormed into the room.

"Where is he?" Thalia yelled. She looked way more upset, over such a little thing.

"Whoa, calm down, it's just a joke." Jason said.

"Shut up Jason." She replied.

"Excuse me?"

Thalia spotted Leo and held up her electric spear. Jason knew that lightning was coming, but it was way more powerful then a little joke.

Thalia meant to kill him.

"What are you doing?" Piper asked. The wind blew fiercly and it whipped at everyone.

"Calm it Grace!" Coach yelled.

Nico drew his sword. "Stop!"

Thalia turned to face Jason. Her eyes were glowing white.

"Stop, she's possesed!" Jason yelled, but no one heard him over the thunder.

Jason couldn't stop the lightning she was summoning, without taking the damage himself. "Stop Thalia!" He held his hand up and a barrier of air surronded Jason and Leo.

The lightning came down, and everyone could tell it was strong.

But the lightning never reached Jason.

Her eyes turned to normal. "I won't hurt my brother." She said through gritted teeth.

"LEAVE!" Thalia yelled.

A small white wisp came out of Thalia and disappeared. Thalia collapsed to the ground.

Jason ran forward and picked up Thalia, and sprinted to the infirmary. Leo and Piper followed.

Jason lay her down on the bed gently.

"I'm never hitting on her again." Leo mumbled, and Piper laughed.

Piper fed Thalia some Ambrosia. "She'll be fine."

Jason nodded. "You guys go ahead, I'll stay for a while."

"You okay?" Piper asked.

"Ya, just.." He hesitated, then changed his mind. "I'm fine."

Piper cast him a worried glance as she turned to leave. Leo followed her out.

Jason sighed. The weight he was bearing was too much. He would have to tell his friends sooner or later. He knew exactly what was going on, and it was his fault. If only he had agreed to the conditions. Why did I ignore it? He thought to himself.

He had to put a stop to this, he couldn't bear to see anymore of his friends hurt. He knew what he had to do.

Jason went up to the deck after a while. Only Piper was there. Everyone else had gone back to their room or somewhere else.

Seeing Piper's face, he almost decided to stop and continue living as if nothing happened. He shook it off, and continued to walk up deck.

"Jason?" Piper asked gently.

Jason ignored her, which hurt him a lot. He continued to walk, he was nearly at the edge now.

"I know you're worried, and you can talk to me." She said.

Jason stood up on the railing.

"What are you doing?" Piper asked, more alarmed now.

Bye Piper, I'm going to miss you. Jason thought, and he stepped off the railing, falling into the world below.

"JASON!" Piper yelled, and it was the last thing Jason ever heard.

Omg, that scene, it killed me you know.

I killed Jason Grace.

Please don't kill me. >:o It'll work out I told you. I feel so evil.

*Awkwardly changes topic while everyone stares murderously*

Other news, Check out my original story...

I'm getting kinda scared now...

*eyes pitchforks and torches* sorry?


*Runs of wildly*

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