Chapter 1- Percy

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I wish the house of hades came out right now, so I am going to write my own version of it. If it is bad, please don't blame me, I am only eleven. If I get good reviews I'll post the next chapter.

Disclaimer: I do not own this all characters and whatever else belong to Rick Riordan



Percy I

He was falling. The deeper into Tartarus he fell, the darker it got. Annabeth had fainted twice already, and the fact that she kept on whimpering and wincing in pain didn't help Percy. He tightned his grip on her wrist and he knew no matter what happened, he was never letting go again.

Screams of horror and pain were drowning out all his thoughts. And over all that, there was silence. Screaming silence. Somehow it made him lose hope, he felt as if there was no one around him and thier quest was doomed to fail. 

If you didn't guess by now, Percy did not like their chances. Everything just felt crazy. It was crazy that they were tumbling down a hole to Tartarus that could possibly be endless; it was crazy that the weight of saving the world lied on the shoulders of seven teenagers, and it was crazy that once again, Percy would have to be the hero and go through the pain and sacrafices. Percy was used to it being that way, but he couldn't help but think how nice it would be to have a normal life. A life where you wouldn't have to worry about monsters chasing you, where everything could be normal.

The ground came, much to fast for Percy's taste. Everything went black, for the millionth time in Percy's life.

Percy woke up with a terrible headache. He looked around. Where was he? The room looked like a cave inside of a mountain, dark and cold. It radiated dark energy, and Percy shivered slightly. He looked at himself, his eyes widening as he noticed. The cuts and bruises decorated him like he was some sort of a christmas tree. Some of them were bleeding badly, while others were closed. His clothes were ripped and his shirt was pretty much nothing but a peice of cloth, hanging off of his left shoulder and going around his body.

Sighing, Percy pushed himself up, ignoring the pain that shot up his arms. He closed his eyes, the horrifying fall into Tartarus coming back to him. Shaking the screams out of his head, Percy searched for Annabeth, limping slightly. After a few minutes, he finally found Annabeth. Although she looked terrible, her familiar face calmed Percy's racing heart. Reaching into his pocket, he found Riptide, much to his relief. Percy pulled out the pen and uncapped it, the bronze sword providing light. It was like a ray of hope in the darkness that consumed them. 

Percy examined Annabeth with the light of his sword. A long cut ran across her foreheaed and was bleeding badly. Her splint was broken, cuts and bruises going up her leg. Her arm also looked quite bad, but nothing Ambrosia couldn't fix. That is, if Percy could find any. Searching around, Percy looked for Annabeth's backpack which he remembered had fallen into Tartarus with them. 

It seemed luck was siding with them, for now. Percy inserted Ambrosia into Annabeth's mouth, making her chew and swallow the godly food.

Percy brushed back her hair muttering "Please wake up, Annabeth. Please." Suddenly she gasped and opened her eyes. Percy sighed in relief and complained about how worried he was. Annabeth just listened to him with a smile, probably happy that they had atleast managed to survive the fall.

"Come on, Percy. Stop complainig." She said sending him another smile. Leaning down, he kissed her and he knew nothing would hurt them as long as they had each other. They would make it out of here, together.

"Can you stand?" Percy asked, standing up. Percy held out his hand and Annabeth took it. She stood up slowly, but she was still leaning on him.

Annabeth picked up her backpack and handed it to Percy, who swung it over his shoulder.

"Tartarus, the deepest part of the Underworld, huh? You sense that aura of death too, right?" Annabeth asked, sending him a worried glance.

"Yeah. Where are all the monsters we heard about?" Percy asked.

"That's what I was wondering. I'm more worried that Archane will pop up, so let's go, now." Annabeth said, limping forward, Percy helping her move. They saw a faint glow up ahead, making Annabeth light up. "I think that's my dagger!" Annabeth exclaimed.. Percy bent down and picked up the blade, his back aching slightly.

"Sure is." He replied. He passed it to Annabeth who looked a little more relieved now that she had her dagger. To Percy it just looked like Annabeth was getting to happy just over a weapon, but atleast now she wasn't completely defenseless.

"Percy, there! My laptop!" She pointed to a shiny metal surface. Percy picked up the laptop and handed it to Annabeth. She turned it on and it powered up. The mark of Daedalus glowed providing even more light.

"Is that indestructable or something?" Percy asked.

Annabeth smirked. "It's made out of-"

The room started to shake interupting Annabeth. Rocks started to crumble down, the cave collapsing. "What is that?" Percy asked. "I don't know but I'm not going to wait around to find out." Annabeth said. She stuffed the laptop in her backpack and started limping towards the only way out. Percy followed Annabeth into the dark corridor, noticing a shadow moving along the floor. 

"You're just in time demigods" The figure called out.

How do you think it is??? Please review and comment! And sorry about the cliffhanger. I just love doing that!!!!

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