Sister Reading

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It was two days later after everyone deiced on the new show Doctor Whosical. Nick,Matt,Walker,Brian and Moses were done with act 1 in the show. They wanted to announce it so they decided to have auditions. They sent everyone who wanted to be in it the script and had them pick 2 or more parts they wanted to be. " Meredith did you get the email?" May called from across the apartment. "Yeah, you wanna come in my room and read thought it with me?" "Yeah." May walked into Meredithʼs room with her computer in her hands and sat down on Meredithʼs bed. The two read through it. It took an hour and a half. " Wow that was great, So which parts do you like?" said May " I liked the characters Clara and Amy, What about you?" " I really like Ross and Donna, If your Amy and Brian is Rory you guys kiss" " Oh shut it May" Meredith said and thew a pillow at May. "Oh come on its been a year since you and Brian were dating. You need to tell the fans" " I want to tell them, But Brian wants to keep trolling them, Talking of Love Life you donʼt have one" " I know I donʼt. Do you think theres a guy who would like a 21 year old girl who does plays with her sister and her friends about Harry Potter, Batman, and Bug."Just then the phone rang and Meredith picked it up. "Hello" "Now meeting in 5 minutes?" "ok great be there soon" she hung up the phone. "Come, The Langs,Brian,Moses and Walker decide to have auditions today so we got to go. The two went out the door and went to the manor.

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