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Meredith's POV

I woke at 10 o'clock with my super hit boyfriend in my bed. I sat up and heard giggles coming from the kitchen. I got out of bed and went into the kitchen and saw Deeds and May. May was sitting at the table with her computer and Deeds was making breakfast "Good morning girls!" "Good morning sis! How was your sleep last night? Was someone holding you?" May and Denies laughed. I sat down next to May "very funny May! And yes someone did hold me last night." Denise turned and faced me "you two are so cute together!" "Well you and Dylan are really cute too!" May pointed out. "There still not as cute as Meredith and I" I turned to see my knight in shining armor, well not really but in my dreams he is.

Brian started walking towards me. "Morning Mere!" Brian gave me a quick kiss on the lips. "Morning May and Denise" Brian said as he took a seat next to me. "Breakfast!" Denise said she had a tray in her hand. The tray had four plates with pancakes on them and cups of coffee.

Denise put the plate in front of me and then handed me some coffee. After everyone was done we all just looked at each other. "What should we do today?" Denise asked.

I looked outside a saw how nice it was. There wasn't a cloud in the sky. "How about we go to the pool near the manor?" "That's sounds like fun!" My little sis said. "I'll tell the others to met us" Brian said. I got up and grabbed everything I needed for the pool. I waited about ten minutes for the others to finish. Then we were out the door.

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