Moives and Problems

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Meredith thought of a great way to celebrate by going out to the movies. So Meredith,May,Brian, and Denise went to see Iron Man 3. Meredith,May, and Denise got to the theater early. Brian came about 20 minutes after, but he wasn't alone Walker, Dylan and Lauren were with him. " Lauren!" May called when she saw Lauren was with Brian. Like Denise and Meredith relationship May had one like her sister's but with Lauren. Lauren gave May a hug " I'm so excited for the movie!" Lauren said. " Let's go" said Dylan as he grabbed Denise's hand. They walked inside the theater, they already had their tickets so they went straight to the the food stand. They got soda and some candy. There weren't to many people there so they got a good spot. The movie ended and it was amazing. After they decide to go to the best place in Chicago The Holiday Club! When they arrived the place was mostly full so they sat down near a table at the back. Brian got a text from Corey "oh shit" he said. " what is it Holden?" Asked Joe " Corey said Sarah and June can't help us with our new show." "So we have no costume designer and no lighting person" said Denise. "I'm going to go back and find out what's happening with this" said Brian. " I think we should all go " said Meredith. Everyone got their stuff and went back home.

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