2 - HolyheadHarpy

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Full Name: Terra Lumm-Werbeck
[hyphenated names.]
Height: average
[what? When I said her height and weight I meant, you know, 145 cm or 120 pounds. I'm not asking for her body type; I'll calculate that based on her height vs. her weight. Just clearing that up.]
Weight: average
Gender: female
Sexual orientation: straight (when her best friend comes out as lesbian in third year she'll question her sexuality, but realize that she is straight)
[and yet it's three years later for me and I still don't know.]
Race: white
[So is that German, British, American, Scottish, more specific than that please]
Hair color: brown (the ends of her hair turn a more reddish brown in the summer)
Eye color: brown (but not dark brown)
[so honey brown or something?]
Skin color: pale, acne
House: Hufflepuff
Parents/Guardian: Reagan Lumm, mother; Dan Werbeck (they're married, they don't believe in women changing their last names when they get married so their kids have hyphenated last names).
[So that explains the last name.]
Siblings: Abigail Lumm-Werbeck, three years younger
[I have a stepsister that's three months younger than me and a three years younger sister. I have three younger sisters. So many threes. This is not relevant.]
Pets: Terra's family has a cat named Sagan (after Carl Sagan) who she took to Hogwarts after winter break in her first year and through second year. The summer before third year she buys a burrowing owl and names him Wenlock.
[all these creative names and yet I have a cat called Madeline.]
Wand makeup: willow with a unicorn hair core, twelve and a quarter inches
Personality: Terra is a very cautious person. When learning something new she tries to become perfect before showing anyone else. She procrastinates and is often disorganized, yet is extremely dedicated and hard-working. She's had an anxiety disorder since a young age, which sometimes interferes with her ability to socialize and caused panic attacks. But she's managed to cope. She's extremely self-conscious (more than she realizes), partly from anxiety and partly from being eleven. She worries what every single person thinks of her. She takes a while to make friends because she's terrified of seeming clingy or obsessive, but once she does she is very loyal and will do anything for her friends.
*Note* right now Terra has very low self-esteem, but I promise she'll get better and have much more confidence as the story goes on.
Background: Terra was born in Sacramento, California, and lived there for a year, then her family moved to Seattle, Washington. Her sister was born two years later. They lived there until Terra was seven and then moved again to Birmingham. Her parents are both muggles and she grew up in the muggle world. Her parents worked in the tech industry. Terra was never interested in computers or math like her parents and sister. Her favorite subjects were history and english
[This OC has a ton of potential. However, characters like this are generally a bit harder to write(all the seemingly contradictory personality traits) as they are pretty hit-or-miss.
On its own, this gets a 9/10.
And I'm going to read you story if you write it, so don't mess this up.

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