33 - svenni-boy

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Full Name: Sean Morris

Nicknames, Titles etc: John Travolta (by his best Friend Janine, due to his love for the movie 'Grease')

General Appearance: Sean is 5'11" and has pale skin. He has tired, grey eyes and short, wavy brown hair that is messy most of the time. He has rather high cheekbones, hollow cheeks and a square jaw. He has a beard that he only shaves occasionally due to laziness.

He has three scars across his arm, given to him by a magical creature his sister tried to tame.

He has noticeable wrinkles next to his eyes and on his forehead. There is a small birthmark above his left eyebrow.

He is of average build with rather long legs and average hands with long fingers.

[Great, averages vary wildly between countries and demographics, so is this a worldwide average, a 30-40 year-old men average, an Irishmen average. . .]

He needs glasses to read and mostly wears plain jeans that he fixes himself if there's a hole in them. He usually wears pullovers or shirts with suit-jackets and if it's really cold a warm jacket and his old Hogwarts scarf.

Role in Book: Protagonist

General Plot outline of book: 2017. Sean Morris has been teaching Potions at Hogwarts since 2008 now and this year he is confronted with a very painful part of his past when George Weasley's Son Fred enters the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and wizardry. While his Friend Ruth McArnott seems to be distancing herself from him, the new Defence Against the Dark Arts Teacher, Carter Johnson, is seemingly up to no good. In general it's also just about the daily life of a teacher at Hogwarts.

Age: 38 (as of 2017)

Date of Birth: March 2nd, 1979

Height: 5'11"

Weight: 160 pounds

Gender: Male

Romantic/sexual orientation: Bisexual

Blood status: half-blood wizard

Nationality: Irish

House: Ravenclaw

Family/Pets: Audrey Morris (sister, born. 1976), Patricia Morris (mother, muggle), Gregory Morris (father, half-blood wizard)

[Technically that'd make him like. . .a quarter wizard. Mixed-blood wizard, although HP lore doesn't make the distinction as far as I know.]

Wand: 13", slightly springy flexibility, maple wood, dragon heartstring core

Personality/how they view themselves: Sean is a calm person and a realist. While he loves to help others out with a bit of good advice, he never seems to take said advice himself. 

[So does this mean he's nosy and intrusive(gives advice for the sake of giving advice without actually taking it into account himself) or just impulsive(trying to help but keeps forgetting to take his own advice in everyday life)? Or another, third thing?]

He can get rather nervous and is very careful while teaching his students. He is easily excitable and can appreciate the small things in life. In his thoughts, he is a bit narcissistic. He works better when he works alone. He has a fear of being disliked and is, to his own embarrassment, scared of the dark.

Ambitions: To survive. No, but in all seriousness, this man has given up on his ambitions and his biggest wish is probably to sleep in on a Saturday and then drink a nice cup of hot chocolate. But if he was forced to name an Ambition it would be making sure that his students have a better time at school then he did.

[Sounds like he's living his best life. Was his ambition to make school better for his students the reason he started teaching, was it the logical mindset for him, or did it come on gradually as he grew to like his students?]

Likes: Art, Music, chatting with his colleagues, relaxing and cooking

Dislikes: reckless behaviour, drama, awkward situations, quidditch and getting up early on weekends.

Best subject: Potions

[When he was a student, too?]

Worst subject: Defence Against the Dark Arts

Occupation: Potions Professor at Hogwarts

Friends: Janine Williams (OC), Serena Harrington (OC), Ruth McArnott (OC), Luna Lovegood, Neville Longbottom, Cho Chang

Enemies: He wouldn't call him an enemy, but he has a strong disliking towards his colleague Carter Johnson (OC)

a few Random Facts:

-He is under the Impression that music makes everything more bearable, which is why he put a record player in the potions classroom on his very first day of a teacher and has an old vinyl record ('the history of Jazz') that he plays during his lessons if his students are okay with it.

-He loves going to Honeydukes. Having worked as a baker previously, he has an appreciation for all things sweet.

-His sister Audrey married Percy Weasley, and during their wedding Sean did everything to avoid George Weasley as well as he could.

-His favourite co-worker is Neville Longbottom

-During his free time he can often be found in either the library enjoying a good book or sitting somewhere outside reading a newspaper

[Anywhere specific, or is could you play Professor Hide And Seek, which is the same as the normal game except it's just you and your pals trying to find where Professor Morris is hiding now because you have a test tomorrow and you didn't understand yesterday's lesson at all and you're honestly just hoping he's not sitting in the middle of the Forbidden Forest again-]

-Although he avoids the Weasley family as well as he can, he and his sister often meet up to talk about the things recently happening in their lives.

Background: He was born and raised in Dundalk, Ireland and had a peaceful childhood. While his sister Audrey always loved the outside and all kinds of animals, he preferred to stay at home and bake with his father or watch cartoons. His sister and him were close with their grandfather, who would always tell them stories about witches and wizards.

When Sean's Hogwarts letter arrived he was very nervous. Although his sister had already spent a few years at the school, was a part of the Hufflepuff Quidditch Team and talked mostly about how nice it was there he got homesick a lot during his first few weeks at the school.

He loved Potions class, although Professor Snape intimidated him. His slight fear of his favourite class faded once Professor Slughorn took the position of the Potions Master.

[Sounds about right. So did he get better at Potions after he had a teacher he liked better?]

During Sean's second year of Hogwarts he made friends with the Weasley Twins after one of their pranks they had planned on Sean and his group of friends went sorta-kinda wrong. What was supposed to be just a funny little gag with a dancing pumpkin promptly turned into an exploding orange blob that scared the boy quite a lot. He got especially close with Fred Weasley.

After Cedric Diggory died during the Triwizard Tournament he spent a lot of time with Cho Chang to comfort her and help her out a bit. Although a lot of his friends were part of Dumbledores Army during Harry Potters fifth year, he refused to join because of his worries of getting caught.

During the battle of Hogwarts Sean and a few of his Friends (Ruth and Serena) fled to south England, while Janine stayed to fight.

When Sean heard about Fred Weasley's death he got significantly more quiet than he already was. He started avoiding the Weasley Family altogether and couldn't even bear to look at his friend George anymore.

Before he worked as a potions teacher he was a baker in a little Bakery in New York and only returned to the UK when he got a letter from Professor McGonagall.

[Rating: 9/10

This is a really solid character! Outside of some random details about his appearance, he's got a personality and a backstory and everything, so I'm. . .kind of out of a job here. This guy sounds fun.]

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