8 - AnilaBay

304 6 2

[You know what they say- third time's the charm.]

Full name: Mirian Marko (name pronounced Mih-riy-ahn) surname (Mahkoh)

[First name: alright first off it means "bitter" which made me laugh, and it's actually a common enough name, so. Good. I like it.

Last name: Marko comes from "mars" and is russian/albanian/ukrainian and means "god of war". It's pretty uncommon but also cool. I like it, although it seems to be a first name?]
Nicknames: Mir (from his family); Ian (later by his friends)
[no problems here]
General Appearance: He's tall compared to other boys of his age and looks scrawny despite being well fed. He has his father's red hair and his mother's blue eyes. He has freckles and is really pale, almost sick looking. Mirian has high cheekbones and somewhat plump lips. He has a scar in his left leg which he required to magic gone wrong.
[More original than I usually get? Yes. Everything mostly in order? Eh. Any confusion? He seems really physically weak and I hope you're following through on that.]
Role in book: Main character
Age: starts at 11 ends; at the age of 21-2.

[That's. . .a pretty long book, friend.]
DOB: 11th May 1976

[4 years older than harry. So still in his era, but not his year. COOL.]
Height: at the age of 17 he's 173 cm

[Like 5' 6", which is actually on the short side of average. But would fit with being malnourished and sickly which generally impedes growth.]
Weight: 65kg

[around 150 lb. On the large side of healthy.]
Gender: Male
Gender sexuality: bisexual

[Good! Very Good!]
Race/Species: Human; Albanian

[But is he pureblood, halfblood, or muggleborn that is the question.]
House: Slytherin
Family: Amanda Marko (mother)
Gjergj Marko (father- deceased)

[That bodes well.]
Elena Rossi (stepsister)
Simone Rossi (stepfather)
Personality: He's a mix between an introvert and an extrovert:

[An. . .ambivert?]

he cherishes his time alone but doesn't have a problem with charming crowds when necessary. He doesn't deal with anger the right way, keeping bottled up until he can't take it anymore and lashes out. He doesn't like feeling sorry for himself or sink into sadness but once he truly falls into despair he isolates himself burying into training his magic and projects. He likes to be the best and do everything until perfection and messing up makes him mad with himself. [Ambivert: not that common in an OC, but a common trait.

Can charm crowds if necessary: I'm taking this as "can be charming, but it takes enough effort that he needs time to recharge", which. A+ so far.

Bottles up emotions: makes sense. Someone who likes to present a charming facade wouldn't be the best candidate for having a good emotional outlet.

Self-isolating when sad: ok, that would make sense.

Perfectionist: good, good.

Is this. . .an original OC. . .with consistent traits. . . clear flaws AND strengths. . .and details? This is wonderful?]

He likes sweet things, art and animals. Dislikes spiders, traitors and spicy things.

[Maybe a little more detail here on why he likes those things, but ok.]
His ambitions are helping the magical community in Albania connect to the other magical communities in the world; open a proper school for young Albanian witches and wizards and make a name for himself as a healer.
[I guess that huge of an ambition would make sense, but I hope there's some explanation of why he chose healing in the backstory.]
Wand makeup: 11 2/3", Blackthorn, Veela

[All it says about blackthorn is that it's a warrior's wand, and requires some effort and time to bond with people, which doesn't make too much sense for a healer but makes a lot of sense for someone trying very hard to appear charming and perfect. There's no info on veela hair, except that the only wands with it seem to be from france.

You're on thin ice here, but with some stretch and the assumption that he needs to do some character developing before it makes sense, I'll let it slide.]
Boggart: a huge web full with small spiders crawling from it.

[Ok, you know what? Fine. That's fine. I'm good with that. I usually hate OCs' boggarts, but I like it. Fine.]
Best subjects: DADA and potions

[I mean? That makes sense with his wand and it could be how he discovers that he likes healing? Fine?]
Worst subjects: History and patronus charm.

[Patronus charm is part of DADA. But otherwise. . .I guess.]

Background: Mirian comes from an Albanian magical family. When Lord Voldemort flees to Albania he meets Mirian's parents, who are lured into his ranks by his false promises of a better life. As time passes they realize Voldemort can't help them in his weak state and as their family is exposed for being magical and chased away the family flees from the country.

[So that does explain why he wants to make muggles less afraid of wizards, but not really why he likes healing.]

[Rating: 6/10

I like what you have and what you have is consistent and well thought-out, but more detail would still be appreciated.]

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