Take Me Anywhere

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  The night was cold, and Ebbie was grateful for the warmth the bus provided. She had crouched under the wheel arch for shelter and the engine, which was still running, thawed out her bare hands.

Suddenly, she had a thought, if there were people on this bus, they could help her, and so she decided to try the door.

The door slid open with ease and Ebbie gingerly stepped onto the bus. There was a person in the drivers seat, but he was asleep, drool on his double chin. Ebbie didn't wake him, but instead slid the door closed again gently and moved further to the back of the bus.

She passed a small kitchen and a table and chairs, and got to a corridor lined with bunks.

There seemed to be no one around at the moment and, as much as Ebbie didn't want to stay on the bus without permission and get in trouble, the bed she was knee level with, with its homely look and fluffy cushion, looked so comortable and appealing, and she was so tired.

Ebbie sat on the bed, convincing herself it was just to wait for the owners of the bus to come, or the bus driver to wake up, and found it to be extremely soft and comfy. She lay down, since she was so fatigued, and soon fell asleep under the patterned quilt.

She woke up to a scream.

"What is i- Tegan why the fuck is there a fan in your bed?!"

"Oh my goodness do you think I have a clue?! I didn't bring her here Sara! I just as shocked as you are. . . But Sara, I don't think she's a fan."

"Why else would she have snuck on to here?"

"Well, think about it, if she knew who we were she'd have at least some kind of reaction."

At this point Ebbie was awake enough to interject, "I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep, is this your bus?" .

"See Sara," the woman with curlier hair, apparently called Tegan, said, "I told you." And then to Ebbie, "Sorry to scare you, what's your name?"

"Um. . . Ebbie. . . " said Ebbie as Tegan sat on the edge of the bunk nearer to the other end.

  "Why are you on our bus?" Sara asked, her arms crossed.

  "I had nowhere else to go, I was standing by the bus to get warm, and I thought whoever was in the bus could help me. I meant just to sit and wait, I really did! But. . . I was really tired, I'm sorry."

Tegan spoke gently, "Where are your parents?"

  "I. . . Don't really know." Was Ebbie's feeble reply.

Sara softened a little. "How old are you?" She asked.

  "Fifteen last month."

Tegan put her head in her hands and shook it slowly. "Sara we can't just leave her."

You Might Aswell (a Tegan and Sara fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now