safe? or not?

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My eyes fluttered open, taking in the comfort of a pure white room. Looking around to see I was in a hospital attached to numerous wires, laying on a comfortable bed with clean white bedding. Which relieved my mind and released all the tension which was built up in my body. Lifting my hand up to feel a bandage wrapped around my head securely and that's when my mind recalled to what had happened.

I yelped in agony as I saw the blood dripping onto my jeans staining them. This could also provide evidence to the police when the catch him, I thought hopefully. And that's when someone coincidently barged through the door and she screamed in shock. My lips only just were able to make out "help" as I stammered into unconsciousness. I was only then able to recall the sounds of sirens wailing and him trying to hide away any evidence. His attempt to running away soon failed as he was consequently handcuffed and then most likely taken into the police station to sentence his punishment of his horrible mistakes of sexual and verbal abuse.

Jumping back into thoughts as a nurse had entered the room that I had been allocated. She had seen that my eyes slightly opened and came quickly made her way towards me. "are you okay?" she asked me with syphathy. The flashbacks of the three days I had spent in that room and that man who had litteraly tortured me had arose to my mind and my eyes flooded with tears and I managed to sob out "no". "Dont worry honey, your okay now, you've got nothing to worry about!" she said with an expression that made me realise that I'm safe, I'm out of that place I would accosiate with hell.

She had comforted me for a while and had said she needed to give me a few check ups to see if I didn't need any serious treatment. Luckily once she had done she had said that I am lucky to not be damaged internaly. However it would take time for my head and the bruises to heal. She had also said that I could stay for as long as needed to be in ensure my safety.

A few hours later, I had heard a knock on the door which had my heart racing. The door creaked open as I saw a few bony fingers wrapped around the side of the door pushing it dramatically and slowly opening it further. His dark messy hair was all I could see to make out who it was! The next moment I knew he was walking towards me with a striking smirk on his face. His green eyes drawing me in his trap. I tried screaming for help, but all that managed to come out my throat was absolutely nothing, I had lost my voice. As he made his way close to me he grabbed a hold of my arm digging in his nails into the bruises he had created, leaving a permanent mark as I cried in pain.

Panting, sweating as I awoke from a nightmare! Many nurses by my side, "Issabelle, Issabelle, honey it was only Just a dream" making me cry even more knowing that I have been haunted for life.

I sighed, knowing that I should stop sulking now and I asked for a bottle of water, the nurse handed me over an open bottle of water as a I clenched it in my shaking, weak hand, gulping down the water to quench my thirst. I had also asked for something to eat, which was also given to me straight away, the look of the food put a small smile to my face. I hadn't eaten since the day I was taken into the room with my ex high school teacher... I was treated like  complete shit, starving for more than three days also I was deprived from any sleep. My body ached for rest!

Authors note: second chapter completed, hope you like it :-)

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