Dover, here I come

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"Issabelle, Issabelle. Darling wake up!"

Shifting in my sleep, I can see his haunting face... They way his dirty hands roamed around my body... And me? Screaming for help... Crying for someone to get him away from Me! But helpless I was against the drunken man who trapped me in his arms. "help! No! Get the fuck away from me!" I was panting, sweating...why did he have to find me? Why? I sobbed.

His hands trailing up my legs..."fuck, no...please stop!" I screamed unable to make any defensive actions. His hand grabbed my leg and he dug his nails into me, putting pressure to create more wounds to my weak body.

"wait Issabelle it's me, sweetheart, wake up!" I grabbed his arm, I was free, I was able to get him back, I dug my nails into his skin and I heard a whimper, but it sounded very feminine. Hesitatingly I open my eyes, to see my aunt with a worried look on her face. I looked down to see my nails duck into her skin, I immediately released my hand from her skin "im, so sorry" "it's okay, Belle are you okay? She strokes my hair, comforting me, I cuddle up to her holding on to her tight.

"no aunt... he's back" I sob into her arms and she shakes her head in disapproval. "no darling. Hes not your okay. Please your here with Me and your safe in my arms. You've got nothing to worry about honey" she kissed my sweaty forehead and holds me against her tightly. "okay" I wipe away my tears and make my way into the shower.

She had stopped me in My tracks, "Issabelle, are your bags packed? We will be leaving in 3 hours. Okay!" I had remembered that a few days ago after I had come back from the hospital I had found two train tickets to Dover, where we will be living from now on. Away from all the danger of him, although he might be on jail he is still a threat. "yes I'm all packed" I said with a slight smile on my face.

Walking into the shower once again tracing my bruises which are starting to heal. I washed my sweaty body, releasing all the tension before I stepped out wrapping my towel around my slim body. I walked into my room and put on a pair of boyfriend jeans, a plain white t-shirt and my black duster jacket, which I had already put aside yesterday. I had also put on my Nike airmax trainers and left my long, brunette hair to dry naturally, as I wasn't really in the mood to do anything with it. I applied a minimum amount of makeup. A bit of foundation and mascara had done the job of making me look a little more alive than I had looked previously. I then rolled my suitcases down the stairs and put them infront of the door as it would be easier when we leave.

I made my way down to the kitchen were aunt Katy had prepared some blueberry pancakes. Which are my favourite, with a glass of milk. Once I had finished I cleared up and washed my dishes, dried them and put them inside the box labelled dishes.

I made my way into the living room, taking in my surroundings as I sat down. I know i haven't lived in this house for long. Maybe a year or so but I certainly felt like I was home. I was going to miss this place, alot. But I'm sure Dover will be just as beautiful as London, except it will be less congested. Hopefully we will set in quickly and get used to the people and surroundings there.

My thoughts were interupted by my aunt walking through the door with her keys in her hand.  "you ready to go honey?" I nodded in approval and got up and walked towards my suitcases. I rolled them out of the house and into the boot of Katy's friends car and sat into the back seat. I greated Amber, which was Katy's work friend and bucked my self up and staring at the house as we drove away.

Once we had made it to the train station, we scanned out tickets and made our way into the train, the journey was fairly long but it was nice. Im very fond of traveling long distances. "thank you" I had said to Katy. She had had done so much for me. Moving away is very difficult especially for someone who has quit their job for her niece. I was honestly so lucky to have her. "Dont thank me darling, it was just had to be done. Your safety is my priority now. I had promised your mother and father to ensure your safety I will do anything" 
"I love you. Aunt Katy" "I love you too, Bella"  the rest of the journey I had spent resting my head against her shoulder, slowly drifting into my sleep.

Authors note: just to let you know, she's okay to move cities as she doesn't attend school. Shes looking for a university. Just thought i would be a bit more informative. Let me know what you think so far. I need some feedback lol :-P

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