I starting uni

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It was the morning of the first day at uni. I was very excited as it was going to be a whole new experience for me. I was going to be studying fashion! Not to mention again which I was very excited for!

It was the same uni Jake attends, however he is studying his second year of uni, whereas I was going to be studying my first. Once we had arrived there I was allocated a dorm room and My key. I had made my way up to the second floor to my room. Dorm 101. As I made my way up, seeing slutty girls shoving tongues down horny guys throats and touching each other up like no tomorrow. I was horrified at the sight so I hurried down to my room. Putting my key into the door I was welcomed by the sight of a couple making out on the bed. Clearing my throat earning their attention as they quickly broke apart. I said " I guess In sharing dorm rooms with you two"

"well actually sharing it with me" a absolutely handsome guy replied with a slight smile. He got up messing his black hair up with his fingers follwed by pulling his jeans up, as they were hanging loose on his hips. He pulled out his manly hand out for me to shake.

"Hi I'm Aiden, nice to meet you" he smiled politely. In my head I was thinking how can such a player be such a gentleman. Shaking my thoughts out my head

"hey, I'm Issabelle" I said returning the handshake hesitantly, fuck knows where that hand has been.

"your name is so pretty" he said looking into my eyes, with a slight smile. He is soo cuteee!

"Aideenn baby, come hereee" the girl said with her whiney voice

Ughh, I knew she would be one of those typical girly girls who wants all the attention even if her cute little boyfriend wants to welcome his new dorm room mate. Rolling my eyes at her, if course not when she was looking, I had put my bags on the bed which wasn't being occupied.

"Brittany get out of here" he said. Her face dropped "why babe" she clung onto him " I said go!" he pushed her away. "fine" she screamed and walked put slamming the door dramatically.

"okkaaayyyyyy...." I said turning around finishing unpacking my clothes.

"sorry about that" he said lifting his arm to nervously scratch his head. With the slight of that slight movement I could see his toned arms and abs flex. Damn I thought.

Sitting there on his bed he took out his phone and began playing some game. How childish. Don't blame him I love playing games on my phone too.

His eyes shifted of the phone and up to me, "sooo, we're dorm room mates, this should be fun" he said winking

I looked at him, scoffing "what do you mean, 'fun'?"

"ohh, you don't know me do you?" he laughed. "everybody thinks I'm the biggest player around here"

"I wouldn't blame them thinking that you are" I mumbled under my breath.

He laughed, "I heard that" he smiled cutely. "honestly it's always my roommate that falls in love with me first"

"what are toy trying to say?" I said confused. "well I'm not going to fall in love with you, anyways your not my type"

"thats what they all say, but trust me I've had many doomroom mates, no doubt they all do" he said confidently.

"whatever" I scoffed

He looked at me more closely now... "what you looking at?" I said, starting to get slightly uncomfortable.

A few moments later he replied "I don't know, just trying to figure you out"

"figure me out??"

"you seem interesting"

"okay..." I replied

"hmm.." this is so awkward I thought and I walked away looking around.

The dorm was quite big, consisting of a bathroom, a kitchen and two beds opposite each other.

Hours passed by, Aiden wasnt in the dorm which I was greatful, I had some time to myself. I was just using my phone replying to my messages, Jake had texted asking if I needed anything and how I've settled in, which was cute of him to ask. I had also read my messages from Mason. Mason is a friend which I met online, I've been talking to him for a while and we're really good friends.

Whilst talking to Mason, I drifted of to sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2015 ⏰

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