The Gateway

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I slowly opened and closed my eyes as soon as the sunlight that was flooding the room hit them. It was now apparent to me that I had a pounding headache and the sudden urge to vomit. Let’s try this again…I only opened one eyelid at a time and let my eyes get used the sunlight. I gazed about the room that was a navy blue with beautiful white crown molding. Very chic…very modern…go mom! There were pictures hanging on the walls that I couldn’t exactly make out just yet.

                Looking to my left was a mahogany coffee table that had a few magazines laid out…Sports Illustrated, Men’s Health and The Rolling Stone. Dad’s man cave? About six feet in front of me was a wall with a window. I squinted as I tried to make out the building that was alongside this one. Hey that looks like our house… I heard a few footsteps from the hall and Ian materialized with a smile on his face. Oh, SHIT! I gaped and pulled the covers over my face and wailed.

                “Before you start freaking out, I promise you that nothing happened between us last night. You’re on the couch, too, so that should’ve told you something.” I lowered the covers to the bridge of my nose. He obviously was getting a kick out of this. “You’re a very tired drunk, by the way. We did one dance and you begged me to bring you home.  Except when I parked, you kept going on and on about how your mother would never let you live this down, so I offered you the couch.” Once again the covers went over my entire face. “I also texted your mom as you and told her that you were spending the night at Leila’s.”

                “Why am I always embarrassing myself around you?” He chuckled and sat on the edge of the couch.

                “May I please at least see your eyes?” I lowered the covers slowly. “I had fun with you last night. And I know you just broke up with your boyfriend and you might still be hurting, but I’d love to take you out on a date when we’re both in our right minds.” I weakly smiled, but didn’t say anything. “Just think about it. I unfortunately have to work today, but I made you some breakfast and there’s a glass of water and some aspirin for your headache. Just lock the bottom lock when you leave, okay?”

                “Thank you, Ian.” He smiled and stood up and walked out of the door. Curious, I stood up and walked through the hallway and into the kitchen. Sure enough, there was a plate sitting on top of the breakfast bar with a glass of water and two pills. I smiled and sat down. There was toast, eggs and bacon sitting on the plate. The kitchen had all updated stainless steel appliance and the walls were a cheery yellow. I ate my breakfast and washed the dishes. After leaving his house, I did as he asked and locked the bottom lock and did the one thing I thought would never do: the walk of shame. Luckily mom and dad were gone, but I noticed that Josh’s car was sitting in the driveway.

                I slipped inside the house and walked through the foyer, through the hall and into the kitchen where Josh was helping himself to an apple. He turned to face me with an amused expression. “Walk of shame?” I scowled and hopped up onto a bar stool.

                “I kind of need your help…I have to go get April’s car from Leila’s bar…” Josh tilted his head back and let out a deep, throaty laugh.

                “So you got drunk and spent the night at some guy’s house?” And the laughing continued. For five. More. Minutes.

                “Are you done?”

                “Yeah, yeah, I’m done. Let’s go.”


                After getting April’s car, Josh and I drove back home and sat on the wicker chairs in the backyard by the pool. I told Josh everything…all the little events with Ian that lead up to this morning, me and April’s conversation at the beach and then of course the reason why Ian let me sleep at his house last night. “Well, do you want t go out with him?”

                “I guess,” I said as I shrugged.

                “You either know or you don’t know.” I hesitated.

                “Do you think I’m moving too fast? I mean, Brian and I just broke up.”

                “You said so yourself that you were starting to think that you didn’t even know each other. Sounds to me that relationship ended a long time ago…” Well, he wasn’t wrong. “Besides, he was the one who cheated. You shouldn’t have to wait to be with someone who will make you truly happy.”

                “I do want to go…”

                “Do it. You never know, he might just be the one you’ll spend the rest of your life with.” I giggled and playfully shoved Josh.

                “You’re a big softie.”

                “Yeah, well, I didn’t sleep on a guy’s couch last night.” I bit my bottom lip and leaned back in the chair.

                The rest of the day was very uneventful. I was still exhausted from the night before and had planned on going to bed early. But not before I talked to Ian. After taking my shower and getting dressed, I trotted down the stairs and headed out to the porch. Ian was already sitting on the porch swing waiting for me.

                “Hey,” I chirped.

                “You seem to be in a better mood.” I walked over to the swing and sat right next to him.

                “I would love to go out with you.” His face lit up as he turned his body to face me.

                “You thought about it?”

                “All day.”

                “Can I take you out tomorrow night?” I smiled and nodded.

                “Just as long as there’s no drinking involved.”

                “Deal.” We rocked in silence for a little bit before I opened my mouth.

                “So what should I wear tomorrow?”

                “Something casual, but something you can wear heels and flip flops with.”

                “So should I bring both? Shoes…I mean.”

                “Yes.” I felt the giddiness return. I haven’t felt giddy since Brian and I first started dating.

                “What time should I be ready?”

                “I’d say about six o’clock.” I bit my bottom lip. I was going out on a date. When was the last time I went out on a date? There was something mysterious happening. I kind of liked this new rush of the unknown. And who knows…maybe Josh could be right.

A/N: Hello everyone! I know this chapter was kind of short, but I just needed a “bridge” to get to the next chapter of Tess and Ian’s date. I have a question for you all…Is there a chance that I can get some feedback? I would LOVE to know what’s going through your minds while reading this! Thank you in advance!

Better in the Long Runजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें