Chapter 15: From Esgaroth To Erebor, Part 1

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A/N: Two chapters for you, ladies and gents and my loyal lovelies. Two! Enjoy ;)

Chapter 15: From Esgaroth To Erebor, part 1

She'd woken up that morning feeling rather stiff and worn. Considering the night before it didn't really surprise her though. Linshara had a small breakfast, packed up her meagre belongings and headed into town. She longed for coffee or something of similar effect, which she thought she smelled among the various smells wafting from town. Pulling her hood over her head, she stepped onto the long wooden bridge/approach and started for the town.

In the back of her mind, she wondered if she'd perhaps missed the dwarves already or if they'd even made it out of the Mirkwood. Either way, she figured a bustling place like this would hold her answers.

She assumed a similar posture to the rest of the people as she approached the gate.

"Halt!" The scrawny guard at the gate croaked.

Linshara looked up, the hood covering the upper part of her head.

"What business 'ave you in Laketown?" He asked as he stood up from his rickety chair and sauntered over.

Linshara remained calm but was aware of his interest in her. She was a stranger and a woman.

"Just seeking food and shelter for the night before heading further north." She replied, noticing several other guards shift their attention to her.

"'Ere, le's 'ave a look at ya." He opened the small guard's gate and stepped closer.

Looking at him impassively, Linshara waved her hand in front of him lightly, her mind focused on his. "On second thought, you don't need to have a look at me."

"On second thought I dun need t' 'ave a look at ya." He parrotted at her gentle command.

"I'm free to enter the town. You will forget about me." She continued. "Step inside, move along."

The guard opened the gate, "you are free to enter the town. Step inside, move along."

Nodding a little for appearances sake, Linshara stepped inside, and headed down the wooden walkway that lead straight away from the place.

She kept her pace even, posture somewhat hunched, not making many sudden or unusual movements. She was noticed, she could tell but interests shifted quickly.

The Jedi soon found a tavern/brewery type of establishment which served what could be described as coffee. It didn't taste that bad either. She got a slice of cheese and a piece of bread to boot. While lembas was filling and hardy, there was an unusual, calming simplicity to her breakfast.

She scanned minds around her quietly and listened to the gossip as she ate. The person that ran Esgaroth or Laketown as the locals called it was called the Master and seemed to be a right old bastard. Greedy, selfish, spoiled, enormous sense of entitlement. Overall nothing really surprising. Someone called Bard was a bit of a local hero, or local scoundrel, depending on who you asked.

The dwarves didn't seem to pass this way yet, from what she could tell, she'd have to mingle among the populous to find out more.

So she mingled for several more hours until she happened upon a curious story. A dark haired woman she was speaking to told her of an old prophecy regarding the dwarves in the mountain, or rather their exiled descendants.

"I do not know of it...." Linshara put her best inquisitive face on.

"The Lord of Silver Fountains, the King of Carven Stone,

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