Chapter 24: Life Goes On

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He didn't look a day older since she'd last seen him. Nor did he look any less confused than when she first met him here at his home. He did look a lot less angry.

"Wh...I...Lin!" He choked, his expression going from shocked and confused to ecstatic in the several seconds she stood there.

Now that she saw his eyes as he composed himself and stepped closer to her, she could see the change and age in his eyes.

She opened her arms, kneeled and they stepped into each other's embrace.

"I didn't dare hope to see you again." He murmured into her shoulder.

Her arms tightened around his shoulders. "I have missed you terribly, my friend."

Finally Bilbo pulled away, beaming at her. "What brings you to the Shire?"

Linshara shrugged, "it was time to face the past. If I could make peace with the loss of my home, my family and friends before, I could do no less now."

He nodded solemnly, then perked up, "won't you come in? I am preparing food."

The blonde jedi grinned at him. "I would love to. A peaceful meal, a good time with a good friend. Sounds like a fine day."

The Hobbit positively beamed at her as he ushered her in. As she entered and looked around she had to admit that whilst her last memory of this place was extremely fond, she did prefer this clean, homely and peaceful version of it.

She could feel his gentle presence in the Force near by. Linshara looked over at Bilbo, catching the expression on his face, myriad of emotions echoing her own. He too was remembering.

"So, what are we making for lunch? I am helping!" She chuckled as he started to protest. "It is the least I could do for my impromptu visit."

He seemed confused at the word impromptu.

"Unscheduled and unexpected." Linshara supplied kindly.

Bilbo nodded his understanding and helped her out of her coat and scabbard then ushered her into the small kitchen.

She was hit by a memory of Master Yoda's personal room, the one time she'd visited with him back at the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Everything was so small, compact and indelibly Yoda. Part of her almost wanted to cry at the power of the memory but his brisk, somewhat irritable instructions brought her out of her thoughts.

He patiently instructed her how to skin, debone and fillet the chicken, how to prepare the breadcrumb and herb stuffing and how to bake the crispiest, tastiest potatoes. Her experience in cooking from before had been limited, so she took this opportunity for what it was and enjoyed the process.

"How have you been these past years, Bilbo?" She asked as she caroused his cupboards and shelves for cuttlery and crockery.

The noise in the kitchen stopped for a moment, "I..." then a soft sigh, "trying to get used to the quiet life again, the absence of adventure and excitement."

Two plates in hand, Linshara stepped back into the kitchen. The emotion rolling off of him was palpable to her. He missed them, all of them, more than he was able to express.

"It's never quite the same, once you've had a taste of it." She spoke softly as she settled the plates next to him so he could distribute the food.

He seemed to snap out of his thoughts, nodding, "no, you can never go back to your old self."

A small, bitter smile crept into her features for the briefest moment before she forced it away. "I've learned, that you are not supposed to. We change with times and circumstances and that's quite alright."

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