Orange lady

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When I was in 5th grade my friends and I were at lunch and noticed we had a new lunch security lady. She looked a little mean but we didn't really care much and just ate our probably poisonous school lunch.

A few days after that at lunch my friend and I were already finished with whatever shitty food they gave us probably horse meat or some shit like that considering it looked terrible and tasted terrible (Thanks Michelle Obama).

My other friends were were throwing grapes into the air and catching them into their mouths. A few moments after we were doing that the lunch security lady came up to our table and started yelling at us. (It was kinda hard to understand what you was trying to tell us because of her deep Spanish accent) I remember her yelling "YOU NOT PLAY WITH FOOD, FOOD IS NOT PLAY FOR" we all sat there quietly thinking "Oh shit were screwed ".

Then at that moment she picked up the orange my friend and I were playing it and slammed it onto the table chanting "YOU WANT TO PLAY" after that she slammed another orange that was on my friends plate onto the table and rolled it around . Meanwhile my friend and I were trying desperately not to laugh, my two other ones were horrified and the one right next to the security lady just sat there with a poker face probably pissed because his new adventure time jacket was getting stained.(At the end he was super pissed and the stains never came off he deserved it he was kinda a asshole.)

I was no longer worried about getting in trouble because of this lunatic's anger issues. After what happened we named her the Orange Lady. We all expected her to get fired but instead they just moved her from elementary to middle school lunch. We talk about it to this day.

True story XD it was one heck of a day. Randomwriter389 was there with me she was scared meanwhile I was laughing my ass off! Hope you enjoy my story if anyone even reads it lol.

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